TST SBT Fortress
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🇪🇺 eu-834ff2b7b0dff0b6 | Quality: 0
February 24, 2024, 4:28 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 Nanu 2331 1 1960 1988
Team 2 jericho 2136 2 2201 2196
Team 3 Nelg 1790 3 2077 2082
Magi 1022 3 1891 1909
Team 4 Johnny 1749 4 2003 1983
Team 5 birdy 1089 5 1500 1692
Team 6 tatty 776 6 1698 1716
Team 7 Sanity 672 7 1680 1683
Team 8 Word 465 8 1500 1388
🇪🇺 eu-6d37c925c7598d6e | Quality: 0
February 16, 2024, 1:38 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 2196 1 2266 2273
Team 2 apple 2086 2 2199 2205
Team 3 NoBrain 1854 3 2075 2084
Team 4 rookie 1681 4 2103 2101
Team 5 ppotter 1295 5 2004 2001
Team 6 Sanity 993 6 1662 1680
Team 7 teejay 462 7 1721 1720
Team 8 slov 235 8 1500 1388
🇪🇺 eu-98586f1ff4e3c18f | Quality: 0
January 24, 2024, 1:56 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 jericho 2054 1 2189 2201
Team 2 N 1961 2 2167 2173
Team 3 NoBrain 1667 3 2067 2075
Team 4 raph 1476 4 1896 1941
Team 5 Nelg 1322 5 2084 2077
Team 6 Nate 923 6 1769 1864
Team 7 Rudycantfail 918 7 1823 1805
Team 8 teejay 557 8 1722 1721
Team 9 Nanu 279 9 1960 1960
🇪🇺 eu-f9fa08f88871a87b | Quality: 0
January 19, 2024, 4:40 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 3008 1 2260 2266
Team 2 lava 1794 2 2066 2088
Team 3 Nelg 1306 3 2078 2084
Nanu 1149 3 1940 1960
Team 4 rookie 1154 4 2107 2103
Team 5 ppotter 939 5 2006 2004
Team 6 pizza 844 6 1933 1930
Team 7 teejay 840 7 1716 1722
Team 8 delinquent 785 8 1716 1694
🇪🇺 eu-c97457476ca5b824 | Quality: 0
January 11, 2024, 2:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 Gazelle 1996 1 1913 2064
Team 2 jericho 1798 2 2184 2189
Team 3 Nelg 1751 3 2070 2078
Team 4 NoBrain 1652 4 2064 2067
Team 5 Rudycantfail 1400 5 1735 1823
Team 6 rookie 999 6 2123 2107
Team 7 teejay 653 7 1712 1716
Team 8 Monkey 519 8 1509 1501
🇪🇺 eu-3d07eca6af3224da | Quality: 0
January 11, 2024, 1:21 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 1978 1 2252 2260
Team 2 rookie 1762 2 2110 2123
Team 3 Gazelle 1615 3 1500 1913
Team 4 NoBrain 1608 4 2058 2064
Team 5 jericho 1328 5 2200 2184
Team 6 Rudycantfail 1138 6 1657 1735
Team 7 teejay 692 7 1704 1712
Team 8 ppotter 403 8 2010 2006
Team 9 Monkey 254 9 1508 1509
🇪🇺 eu-068cf375ac751076 | Quality: 0
January 08, 2024, 2:16 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 NoBrain 1968 1 2021 2058
Team 2 koala 1792 2 2254 2252
Team 3 jericho 1638 3 2205 2200
Team 4 Nelg 1099 4 2070 2070
Team 5 Stephen 993 5 1500 1690
Team 6 roter 917 6 1583 1634
Team 7 teejay 635 7 1704 1704
Team 8 N 512 8 2168 2167
🇪🇺 eu-d795b81fdbee2667 | Quality: 0
January 06, 2024, 7:42 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 rookie 2184 1 2097 2110
Team 2 ppotter 1890 2 1996 2010
Team 3 Nelg 1749 3 2069 2070
Team 4 Nanu 1701 4 1930 1940
Team 5 Magi 1396 5 1884 1891
Team 6 teejay 829 6 1684 1704
Team 7 Andrei 680 7 2069 2025
Team 8 Monkey 515 8 1507 1508
🇪🇺 eu-fe0fb53f7f42d9ac | Quality: 0
December 20, 2023, 2:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 N 2369 1 2151 2168
Team 2 Nelg 1725 2 2049 2069
Team 3 apple 1519 3 2207 2199
Team 4 raph 1404 4 1782 1896
Team 5 rookie 1309 5 2106 2097
Team 6 Rudycantfail 1082 6 1500 1657
Team 7 Sanity 636 7 1651 1662
Team 8 teejay 622 8 1691 1684
🇪🇺 eu-f054263cef33d211 | Quality: 0
October 15, 2023, 1:51 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 Andrei 2118 1 2025 2069
Team 2 doov 1859 2 1863 1967
Team 3 NoBrain 1559 3 1995 2021
Team 4 olive 1336 4 2191 2186
Team 5 koala 1239 5 2271 2254
Team 6 pizza 1170 6 1926 1933
Team 7 ppotter 1107 7 2006 1996
Team 8 Sanity 638 8 1652 1651
🇪🇺 eu-adb71e24649fea5f | Quality: 0
October 15, 2023, 12:47 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 Andrei 2316 1 1957 2025
Team 2 koala 1853 2 2273 2271
Team 3 olive 1647 3 2191 2191
Team 4 Johnny 1480 4 1978 2003
Team 5 doov 1199 5 1794 1863
Team 6 Nanu 896 6 1929 1930
Team 7 pizza 876 7 1935 1926
Team 8 Sanity 434 8 1633 1652
Team 9 teejay 127 9 1708 1691
🇪🇺 eu-0bcd091d64dd7b5e | Quality: 0
September 10, 2023, 4:33 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 olive 2413 1 2182 2191
Team 2 ppotter 2142 2 1986 2006
Team 3 Johnny 2134 3 1950 1978
Team 4 N 1759 4 2167 2151
Team 5 tatty 986 5 1657 1698
Team 6 Sanity 448 6 1611 1633
Team 7 Hades 356 7 1548 1569
Team 8 teejay 328 8 1715 1708
🇪🇺 eu-faeb50e9b8ea02d7 | Quality: 0
September 10, 2023, 3:56 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 Johnny 2278 1 1500 1950
Team 2 olive 1923 2 2181 2182
Team 3 ppotter 1693 3 1977 1986
Team 4 pizza 1668 4 1931 1935
Team 5 delinquent 1045 5 1668 1716
Team 6 tatty 986 6 1613 1657
Team 7 Hades 945 7 1500 1548
Team 8 teejay 496 8 1726 1715
🇪🇺 eu-10ce6615845d77f0 | Quality: 0
August 29, 2023, 4:40 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 apple 2458 1 2190 2207
Team 2 Nelg 2198 2 2032 2049
Team 3 ppotter 1696 3 1959 1977
Team 4 NoName 1407 4 1500 1817
Team 5 Agility 1156 5 1621 1777
Team 6 olive 1040 6 2208 2181
Team 7 tatty 478 7 1545 1613
Team 8 teejay 330 8 1735 1726
🇪🇺 eu-c226dcf33557c546 | Quality: 0
August 20, 2023, 2:14 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 N 2041 1 2158 2167
Team 2 pizza 2029 2 1905 1931
Team 3 ppotter 2018 3 1944 1959
Team 4 apple 1995 4 2227 2190
Team 5 nin 919 5 1758 1777
Team 6 roter 720 6 1485 1583
Team 7 teejay 541 7 1739 1735
Team 8 Monkey 531 8 1555 1507
🇪🇺 eu-c176e15c4ca5f34d | Quality: 0
August 17, 2023, 5:25 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 olive 1719 1 2189 2208
Team 2 koala 1668 2 2271 2273
Team 3 Nelg 1588 3 2003 2032
Team 4 Nanu 1339 4 1883 1929
Team 5 jericho 1231 5 2217 2205
Team 6 N 1160 6 2172 2158
Team 7 lava 1105 7 2084 2066
Team 8 Nate 934 8 1804 1769
🇪🇺 eu-edbba45e5cbf70ac | Quality: 0
August 17, 2023, 1:25 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 2186 1 2254 2271
Team 2 apple 2025 2 2208 2227
Team 3 olive 1871 3 2181 2189
Team 4 jericho 1718 4 2224 2217
Team 5 rookie 1207 5 2109 2106
Team 6 Nanu 1129 6 1872 1883
Team 7 teejay 469 7 1726 1739
Team 8 nin 271 8 1775 1758
🇪🇺 eu-a003102696e9d7c4 | Quality: 0
August 17, 2023, 12:53 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 1620 1 2234 2254
Team 2 N 1446 2 2145 2172
Team 3 jericho 1349 3 2217 2224
Team 4 rookie 1320 4 2094 2109
Team 5 olive 1232 5 2184 2181
Team 6 apple 1170 6 2251 2208
Team 7 nin 473 7 1737 1775
Team 8 doov 459 8 1888 1794
🇪🇺 eu-39b1f5e290e2bfec | Quality: 0
August 09, 2023, 4:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 jericho 2656 1 2198 2217
Team 2 rookie 2084 2 2074 2094
Team 3 apple 1843 3 2288 2251
Team 4 pizza 1149 4 1892 1905
Team 5 16 896 5 1412 1615
Team 6 Magi 734 6 1916 1884
Team 7 teejay 699 7 1726 1726
Team 8 Sanity 583 8 1617 1611
🇪🇺 eu-a7c9500a6290b2d2 | Quality: 0
August 08, 2023, 3:25 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 jericho 2323 1 2186 2198
Team 2 Nelg 1953 2 1980 2003
Team 3 pizza 1864 3 1864 1892
Team 4 rookie 1518 4 2087 2074
Team 5 omm 1514 5 1791 1815
Team 6 nin 979 6 1716 1737
Team 7 teejay 526 7 1726 1726
Team 8 Sanity 417 8 1626 1617
🇪🇺 eu-7d001d9aed5b6217 | Quality: 0
August 08, 2023, 2:48 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 jericho 2896 1 2170 2186
Team 2 rookie 2360 2 2077 2087
Team 3 omm 1823 3 1500 1791
Team 4 pizza 1402 4 1852 1864
Team 5 nin 824 5 1674 1716
Team 6 teejay 761 6 1717 1726
Team 7 stereo 622 7 1656 1658
Team 8 Sanity 516 8 1642 1626
🇪🇺 eu-2ca78344df6aa5e5 | Quality: 0
August 03, 2023, 4:21 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 apple 2438 1 2269 2288
Team 2 jericho 2262 2 2163 2170
Team 3 Nelg 1680 3 1963 1980
Team 4 pizza 1042 4 1828 1852
Team 5 Andrei 1005 5 1982 1957
Team 6 Nanu 736 6 1859 1872
Team 7 Jam 590 7 1500 1921
Team 8 stereo 526 8 1668 1656
Team 9 teejay 248 9 1761 1717
Team 10 koala 185 10 2234 2234
🇪🇺 eu-a21b4e6faaa8c2b8 | Quality: 0
August 03, 2023, 2:32 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 apple 2643 1 2228 2269
Team 2 jericho 2384 2 2131 2163
Team 3 koala 1817 3 2237 2234
Team 4 rookie 1613 4 2073 2077
Team 5 teejay 705 5 1689 1761
Team 6 ppotter 681 6 1947 1944
Team 7 Nanu 564 7 1870 1859
Team 8 nin 515 8 1688 1674
🇪🇺 eu-b3ec98d44f7c9004 | Quality: 0
August 02, 2023, 4:58 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 apple 2485 1 2212 2228
Team 2 Andrei 2439 2 1942 1982
Team 3 rookie 1812 3 2088 2073
Team 4 ppotter 1095 4 1922 1947
Team 5 teejay 937 5 1695 1689
Team 6 Nanu 665 6 1846 1870
Team 7 roter 481 7 1468 1485
Team 8 16 329 8 1500 1412
Team 9 trace 264 9 1500 1299
🇪🇺 eu-67ce4f8e0d00dd9b | Quality: 0
August 01, 2023, 2:41 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 2639 1 2223 2237
Team 2 olive 2314 2 2179 2184
Team 3 rookie 2020 3 2091 2088
Team 4 teejay 1171 4 1565 1695
Team 5 nin 836 5 1599 1688
Team 6 pizza 759 6 1839 1828
Team 7 Sanity 709 7 1634 1642
Team 8 Goose 474 8 1504 1481
🇪🇺 eu-11ac911a15bea59b | Quality: 0
August 01, 2023, 2:08 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 rookie 2948 1 2029 2091
Team 2 koala 1928 2 2218 2223
Team 3 lava 1745 3 2057 2084
Team 4 olive 1168 4 2193 2179
Team 5 pizza 1067 5 1818 1839
Team 6 nin 752 6 1430 1599
Team 7 teejay 645 7 1499 1565
Team 8 Sanity 631 8 1657 1634
🇪🇺 eu-143e3faaee8c1a7e | Quality: 0
July 30, 2023, 4:51 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 apple 2653 1 2152 2212
Team 2 jericho 2093 2 2094 2131
Team 3 olive 1885 3 2196 2193
Team 4 ppotter 1312 4 1892 1922
Team 5 Andrei 1197 5 1934 1942
Team 6 Magi 735 6 1940 1916
Team 7 N 653 7 2136 2145
Team 8 pizza 327 8 1801 1818
Team 9 Sanity 223 9 1698 1657
🇪🇺 eu-cef2f5f5efdfa5ec | Quality: 0
July 30, 2023, 4:17 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 jericho 2409 1 1996 2094
Team 2 N 1856 2 2103 2136
Team 3 apple 1802 3 2160 2152
Team 4 olive 1495 4 2204 2196
Team 5 Magi 1183 5 1880 1940
Team 6 Andrei 1173 6 1931 1934
Team 7 ppotter 628 7 1896 1892
Team 8 tatty 462 8 1543 1545
🇪🇺 eu-0ccec1a0b9016ba6 | Quality: 0
July 30, 2023, 3:37 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 jericho 2384 1 1942 1996
Team 2 pizza 2132 2 1719 1801
Team 3 ppotter 1798 3 1875 1896
Team 4 Andrei 1759 4 2052 1931
Team 5 Sanity 942 5 1641 1698
Team 6 tatty 691 6 1388 1543
Team 7 teejay 689 7 1500 1499
Team 8 eeZ 601 8 1500 1366
🇪🇺 eu-aff0f16644463b9b | Quality: 0
July 30, 2023, 11:59 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 Andrei 2519 1 1508 2052
Team 2 olive 2021 2 2183 2204
Team 3 koala 1792 3 2216 2218
Team 4 N 1626 4 2096 2103
Team 5 jericho 1520 5 1916 1942
Team 6 ppotter 662 6 1865 1875
Team 7 Sanity 433 7 1587 1641
Team 8 nin 321 8 1500 1430
🇪🇺 eu-d5bbb4053c7fe9db | Quality: 0
July 30, 2023, 11:16 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 olive 2507 1 2139 2183
Team 2 koala 2294 2 2206 2216
Team 3 N 2065 3 2075 2096
Team 4 lava 1444 4 2117 2057
Team 5 ppotter 1191 5 1850 1865
Team 6 jericho 602 6 1778 1916
Team 7 Sanity 504 7 1500 1587
Team 8 stereo 225 8 1665 1668
Team 9 roter 186 9 1500 1468
🇪🇺 eu-0c3100b521b1c190 | Quality: 0
July 19, 2023, 6:33 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 apple 2749 1 2041 2160
Team 2 koala 1873 2 2202 2206
Team 3 Nelg 1714 3 1938 1963
Team 4 jericho 1286 4 1500 1778
Team 5 Nanu 1092 5 1829 1846
Team 6 Magi 664 6 1704 1880
Team 7 ppotter 607 7 1901 1850
Team 8 pizza 443 8 1746 1719
Team 9 Andrei 366 9 1500 1508
🇪🇺 eu-5b8d9dd919c51114 | Quality: 0
April 13, 2023, 3:19 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 lava 2277 1 1949 2117
Team 2 koala 2215 2 2197 2202
Team 3 ppotter 1653 3 1813 1901
Team 4 raph 1548 4 1500 1782
Team 5 Nanu 1506 5 1801 1829
Team 6 dani 610 6 1500 1646
Team 7 delinquent 443 7 1658 1668
Team 8 Richie Wolfie 56 8 1500 1490
🇪🇺 eu-f93ee2d2343fc11d | Quality: 0
March 21, 2023, 3:04 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 2378 1 2181 2197
Team 2 rookie 1845 2 2001 2029
Team 3 pizza 1756 3 1575 1746
Team 4 NoBrain 1422 4 2000 1995
Team 5 Magi 1394 5 1500 1704
Team 6 Clear 805 6 1500 1636
Team 7 Monkey 723 7 1500 1555
Team 8 Goose 561 8 1545 1504
🇪🇺 eu-8ca258e58e0baa00 | Quality: 0
March 16, 2023, 2:31 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 1908 1 2139 2181
Team 2 olive 1792 2 2110 2139
Team 3 N 1516 3 2050 2075
Team 4 Nelg 1362 4 1899 1938
Team 5 rookie 1196 5 2002 2001
Team 6 NoBrain 1122 6 2010 2000
Team 7 Nanu 729 7 1818 1801
Team 8 ppotter 375 8 1813 1813
🇪🇺 eu-b9ead7d72473f6d2 | Quality: 0
March 16, 2023, 1:56 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 koala 2149 1 2093 2139
Team 2 NoBrain 1596 2 1960 2010
Team 3 olive 1583 3 2117 2110
Team 4 Nelg 1560 4 1852 1899
Team 5 ppotter 1083 5 1674 1813
Team 6 rookie 1008 6 2082 2002
Team 7 Agility 973 7 1500 1621
Team 8 pizza 649 8 1586 1575
🇪🇺 eu-be9f0b1de9d79299 | Quality: 0
March 14, 2023, 2:24 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 N 2526 1 1938 2050
Team 2 koala 1949 2 2032 2093
Team 3 rookie 1685 3 2058 2082
Team 4 olive 1683 4 2156 2117
Team 5 Nelg 1391 5 1799 1852
Team 6 NoBrain 946 6 1978 1960
Team 7 bilbo 612 7 1576 1639
Team 8 Goose 118 8 1500 1545
Team 9 Ninja Potato 98 9 2082 2079
🇪🇺 eu-055561844f44eeff | Quality: 0
March 14, 2023, 1:51 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 olive 2411 1 2034 2156
Team 2 Ninja Potato 2189 2 1954 2082
Team 3 koala 1614 3 1967 2032
Team 4 NoBrain 1261 4 1939 1978
Team 5 N 1204 5 1917 1938
Team 6 Nelg 1107 6 1746 1799
Team 7 Nanu 909 7 1903 1818
Team 8 bilbo 383 8 1578 1576
🇪🇺 eu-95ce9c4d231f092c | Quality: 0
March 13, 2023, 12:34 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 Ninja Potato 2321 1 1500 1954
Team 2 koala 1824 2 1839 1967
Team 3 N 1598 3 1825 1917
Team 4 NoBrain 1470 4 1933 1939
Team 5 Nelg 1468 5 1684 1746
Team 6 pizza 1138 6 1421 1586
Team 7 bilbo 722 7 1556 1578
Team 8 tatty 399 8 1500 1388
🇪🇺 eu-be76b5003620980d | Quality: 0
February 21, 2023, 4:17 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 rookie 2361 1 1874 2058
Team 2 Nanu 1994 2 1500 1903
Team 3 koala 1961 3 1500 1839
Team 4 NoBrain 1835 4 1933 1933
Team 5 delinquent 981 5 1509 1658
Team 6 stereo 790 6 1579 1665
Team 7 solsti 624 7 1717 1677
Team 8 tiberiuskirk 500 8 1500 1417
🇪🇺 eu-d3ff299e5ba9a268 | Quality: 0
July 22, 2022, 3:38 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 apple 2559 1 1500 2041
Team 2 olive 2441 2 1898 2034
Team 3 doov 1389 3 1500 1888
Team 4 NoBrain 1367 4 1886 1933
Team 5 Force 1283 5 1500 1754
Team 6 ppotter 1187 6 1500 1674
Team 7 stereo 420 7 1500 1579
Team 8 pizza 356 8 1500 1421
🇪🇺 eu-16d609910c4e33fe | Quality: 0
June 01, 2022, 12:30 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 lava 2316 1 1500 1949
Team 2 NoBrain 2047 2 1500 1886
Team 3 N 2023 3 1500 1825
Team 4 illmatic 1621 4 1500 1765
Team 5 Cadillac 1389 5 1500 1704
Team 6 Nelg 1050 6 1621 1684
Team 7 bilbo 821 7 1500 1556
Team 8 delinquent 541 8 1545 1509
🇪🇺 eu-403fe4ca046ab8f9 | Quality: 0
April 28, 2022, 4:59 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team 1 rookie 1152 1 1500 1874
Team 2 Nate 877 2 1500 1804
Team 3 olive 582 3 1500 1898
Team 4 solsti 385 4 1500 1717
Team 5 Nelg 347 5 1500 1621
Team 6 delinquent 215 6 1500 1545
Team 7 thxmp 192 7 1500 1469
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