TST SBT Fortress
🠜 Page 8 of 17 🠞
🠜 Page 8 of 17 🠞
🇺🇸 2024-05-27T21:20:32.542Z | Quality: 0.0088
May 27, 2024, 5:20 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:ppotter 720 1 2092 2094
1:Sanity 450 1 1932 1934
Team Gold 2:teejay 480 2 1910 1910
1:Andrei 390 2 2031 2030
Team Purple 1:tatty 270 3 1830 1833
2:Mikemacx 60 3 1758 1760
Team Ugly 1:hope 60 4 1674 1671
2:hope 60 4 1877 1875
1:niveK 60 4 1597 1591
2:niveK 30 4 1791 1790
🇺🇸 2024-05-27T20:55:14.758Z | Quality: 0.2438
May 27, 2024, 4:55 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:Johnny 720 1 2079 2082
2:niveK 360 1 1788 1791
Team Orange 1:Sanity 600 2 1929 1932
2:Syn 180 2 1782 1788
2:Xobsile 40 2 1708 1711
Team Purple 2:ppotter 480 3 2095 2092
1:hope 230 3 1686 1674
Team Ugly 1:teejay 450 4 1830 1829
2:Mikemacx 300 4 1760 1758
🇪🇺 2024-05-27T16:56:35.821Z | Quality: 0.0707
May 27, 2024, 12:56 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:N 1020 1 2259 2259
2:mellow@lt 40 1 1500 1575
Team Gold 2:jZ 630 2 2056 2062
1:niveK 160 2 1571 1597
Team Ugly 1:teejay 450 3 1831 1830
2:bignose 450 3 1806 1819
Team Orange 1:Syn 390 4 1825 1820
2:Sanity 250 4 1958 1955
🇪🇺 2024-05-27T16:28:34.233Z | Quality: 0.0861
May 27, 2024, 12:28 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:rookie 780 1 2180 2180
2:james 210 1 1500 1583
Team Ugly 2:teejay 460 2 1908 1910
1:Syn 450 2 1820 1825
Team Purple 1:stereo 420 3 1697 1701
2:delinquent 400 3 1927 1928
Team Gold 1:M3l0n 570 4 1770 1734
2:Grimm 120 4 1788 1781
🇪🇺 2024-05-27T15:57:07.485Z | Quality: 0.1313
May 27, 2024, 11:57 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:N 780 1 2258 2259
2:Grimm 230 1 1784 1788
Team Ugly 1:Andrei 630 2 2029 2031
2:Syn 240 2 1774 1782
Team Orange 1:teejay 430 3 1831 1831
2:delinquent 220 3 1926 1927
Team Gold 2:M3l0n 150 4 1818 1798
1:M3l0n 120 4 1781 1770
1:niveK 60 4 1579 1571
2:niveK 0 4 1789 1788
🇺🇸 2024-05-26T20:57:32.039Z | Quality: 0.1233
May 26, 2024, 4:57 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:ppotter 780 1 2017 2018
2:bignose 270 1 1765 1806
2:ppotter 60 1 2095 2095
1:bignose 30 1 1534 1539
Team Gold 2:delinquent 510 2 1921 1926
1:hope 150 2 1656 1686
Team Orange 2:SoaR 270 3 1816 1800
1:Sanity 90 3 1932 1929
1:SoaR 30 3 1805 1799
2:Sanity 30 3 1959 1958
Team Ugly 1:jfacas 180 4 1655 1641
2:teejay 60 4 1910 1908
🇺🇸 2024-05-26T20:30:19.302Z | Quality: 0.2992
May 26, 2024, 4:30 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:N 810 1 2256 2258
2:hope 340 1 1874 1877
Team Ugly 2:Sanity 480 2 1956 1959
1:SoaR 420 2 1742 1805
2:SoaR 0 2 1815 1816
1:Sanity 0 2 1932 1932
Team Orange 1:Magi 540 3 2138 2137
2:niveK 100 3 1789 1789
Team Purple 2:teejay 240 4 1913 1910
1:Cadillac 210 4 1989 1985
🇺🇸 2024-05-26T20:05:29.183Z | Quality: 0.0476
May 26, 2024, 4:05 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:Magi 690 1 2150 2155
1:Sanity 590 1 1928 1932
Team Purple 1:Gazelle 720 2 2192 2195
2:stereo 180 2 1892 1893
2:hope 60 2 1874 1874
Team Ugly 1:N 570 3 2260 2256
2:SoaR 140 3 1850 1815
2:N 30 3 2268 2268
1:SoaR 0 3 1746 1742
Team Gold 1:jZ 300 4 1731 1730
2:nin 210 4 1753 1752
1:nin 40 4 1462 1459
2:jZ 0 4 2056 2056
🇺🇸 2024-05-26T19:36:15.725Z | Quality: 0.1981
May 26, 2024, 3:36 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:Magi 670 1 2136 2138
2:SoaR 490 1 1815 1850
Team Purple 1:Sanity 510 2 1927 1928
2:jZ 370 2 2054 2056
Team Orange 1:doov 390 3 2039 2037
2:jfacas 150 3 1848 1846
Team Gold 1:Syn 420 4 1822 1820
2:nin 120 4 1760 1753
🇺🇸 2024-05-26T17:43:39.121Z | Quality: 0.0299
May 26, 2024, 1:43 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:rookie 600 1 2135 2139
1:Sanity 360 1 1925 1927
2:Sanity 120 1 1956 1956
1:rookie 30 1 2180 2180
Team Purple 2:Magi 570 2 2151 2150
1:SoaR 540 2 1742 1746
Team Ugly 2:NoBrain 430 3 2152 2153
1:niveK 160 3 1576 1579
Team Gold 1:ellis 240 4 1806 1802
2:Grimm 60 4 1786 1784
1:Grimm 30 4 1551 1550
2:ellis 30 4 1696 1694
🇺🇸 2024-05-26T17:12:57.283Z | Quality: 0.0556
May 26, 2024, 1:12 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:Sanity 720 1 1955 1956
1:Magi 430 1 2135 2136
Team Gold 2:NoBrain 630 2 2144 2152
1:Grimm 90 2 1535 1551
Team Purple 1:SoaR 270 3 1690 1742
2:niveK 150 3 1789 1789
Team Ugly 1:Syn 180 4 1825 1822
2:stereo 130 4 1894 1892
2:Syn 120 4 1778 1774
1:stereo 120 4 1700 1697
🇪🇺 2024-05-26T16:38:21.935Z | Quality: 0.0056
May 26, 2024, 12:38 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:ppotter 580 1 2016 2017
2:Johnny 550 1 2122 2123
Team Gold 1:NoBrain 570 2 2069 2070
2:Mikemacx 130 2 1759 1760
Team Orange 2:niveK 310 3 1788 1789
1:Syn 300 3 1823 1825
1:niveK 60 3 1576 1576
2:Syn 0 3 1778 1778
Team Ugly 2:delinquent 450 4 1923 1921
1:Grimm 70 4 1541 1535
🇪🇺 2024-05-26T16:11:42.554Z | Quality: 0.0584
May 26, 2024, 12:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:ppotter 780 1 2010 2016
2:niveK 180 1 1779 1788
Team Gold 2:NoBrain 420 2 2151 2144
1:teejay 300 2 1834 1831
Team Ugly 1:Syn 360 3 1824 1823
2:delinquent 300 3 1924 1923
Team Purple 1:Mikemacx 90 4 1698 1696
2:Grimm 30 4 1788 1786
🇪🇺 2024-05-26T15:38:06.865Z | Quality: 0.038
May 26, 2024, 11:38 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:N 810 1 2258 2260
2:teejay 270 1 1911 1913
Team Gold 2:ppotter 750 2 2090 2095
1:Syn 440 2 1814 1824
Team Ugly 2:pizza 330 3 2164 2160
1:NoBrain 270 3 2075 2069
2:NoBrain 180 3 2156 2151
1:pizza 90 3 2046 2045
1:dani 10 3 1627 1619
1:Illusion 0 3 2030 2028
2:dani 0 3 1907 1904
Team Purple 2:olive 660 4 2013 2012
1:niveK 180 4 1576 1576
🇪🇺 2024-05-25T20:21:14.542Z | Quality: 0.0007
May 25, 2024, 4:21 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:Gazelle 570 1 2192 2192
2:NoBrain 420 1 2155 2156
Team Ugly 1:roter 270 2 1966 1992
2:nin 210 2 1734 1760
1:ellis 150 2 1803 1806
2:ellis 60 2 1695 1696
1:nin 30 2 1453 1462
Team Gold 1:Andrei 300 3 2029 2029
2:Syn 240 3 1778 1778
Team Purple 1:hope 160 4 1659 1656
2:teejay 90 4 1912 1911
🇪🇺 2024-05-25T16:05:20.923Z | Quality: 0.0099
May 25, 2024, 12:05 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:Ninja Potato 630 1 2240 2243
1:M3l0n 300 1 1772 1781
Team Orange 1:Sanity 600 2 1922 1925
2:delinquent 400 2 1920 1924
1:delinquent 10 2 1864 1865
2:Sanity 0 2 1955 1955
Team Gold 1:Cadillac 330 3 1991 1989
2:teejay 240 3 1914 1912
Team Purple 1:Syn 360 4 1816 1814
2:Grimm 30 4 1790 1788
🇪🇺 2024-05-25T15:41:20.314Z | Quality: 0.1851
May 25, 2024, 11:41 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 2:koala 630 1 2228 2231
1:Syn 370 1 1812 1816
Team Orange 1:M3l0n 330 2 1694 1772
2:delinquent 330 2 1918 1920
Team Ugly 1:Cadillac 400 3 1993 1991
2:teejay 270 3 1915 1914
Team Gold 1:Sanity 360 4 1924 1922
2:Grimm 250 4 1793 1790
🇺🇸 2024-05-25T15:04:15.254Z | Quality: 0.0654
May 25, 2024, 11:04 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:koala 750 1 2269 2271
2:Grimm 160 1 1788 1793
Team Orange 2:Cadillac 750 2 1882 1908
1:Syn 180 2 1800 1812
Team Gold 1:apple 450 3 2327 2322
2:hope 90 3 1881 1874
Team Ugly 2:Sanity 420 4 1956 1955
1:teejay 210 4 1835 1834
🇺🇸 2024-05-25T01:46:16.279Z | Quality: 0.0268
May 24, 2024, 9:46 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:Cadillac 540 1 1876 1882
1:apple 510 1 2327 2327
Team Purple 1:Nanu 720 2 2127 2128
2:delinquent 240 2 1917 1918
2:Nanu 30 2 2178 2178
1:delinquent 0 2 1864 1864
Team Orange 2:pizza 360 3 2163 2164
1:morbit 290 3 1652 1654
1:pizza 60 3 2046 2046
2:morbit 0 3 1822 1822
Team Gold 1:Syn 350 4 1803 1800
2:Sanity 160 4 1958 1956
🇺🇸 2024-05-25T00:40:59.869Z | Quality: 0.1056
May 24, 2024, 8:40 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:Sanity 670 1 1955 1958
1:delinquent 400 1 1854 1864
Team Purple 2:Johnny 540 2 2122 2122
1:Mikemacx 390 2 1698 1698
Team Orange 1:Syn 420 3 1806 1803
2:teejay 330 3 1917 1915
Team Gold 1:Monkey 300 4 1452 1451
2:niveK 90 4 1780 1779
🇺🇸 2024-05-25T00:13:56.994Z | Quality: 0.176
May 24, 2024, 8:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:Johnny 720 1 2120 2122
1:teejay 350 1 1833 1835
Team Gold 1:Agility 720 2 1919 1928
2:niveK 270 2 1777 1780
Team Ugly 1:Syn 420 3 1798 1806
2:Mikemacx 360 3 1754 1759
Team Purple 2:Monkey 210 4 1917 1911
2:delinquent 180 4 1920 1917
1:delinquent 120 4 1864 1854
1:Monkey 90 4 1485 1452
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T22:58:39.355Z | Quality: 0.5713
May 24, 2024, 6:58 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:Johnny 870 1 2074 2079
2:Mikemacx 220 1 1745 1754
Team Orange 1:ppotter 570 2 2008 2010
2:hope 210 2 1877 1881
1:hope 120 2 1658 1659
2:ppotter 90 2 2090 2090
Team Gold 1:pizza 570 3 2050 2046
2:delinquent 340 3 1923 1920
1:delinquent 30 3 1866 1864
2:pizza 30 3 2163 2163
Team Ugly 1:Sanity 540 4 1926 1924
2:teejay 470 4 1919 1917
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T15:22:47.66Z | Quality: 0.1039
May 24, 2024, 11:22 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:N 780 1 2255 2258
2:teejay 210 1 1916 1919
Team Orange 1:NoBrain 510 2 2079 2075
2:pizza 450 2 2166 2163
Team Gold 1:Cadillac 560 3 1990 1993
2:stereo 150 3 1890 1894
Team Ugly 1:Illusion 390 4 2033 2030
2:delinquent 270 4 1927 1923
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T06:09:52.384Z | Quality: 0.02
May 24, 2024, 2:09 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:Sanity 480 1 1924 1926
2:Sanity 270 1 1954 1955
2:Nelg 210 1 2135 2139
1:Nelg 150 1 2124 2125
Team Gold 1:Nanu 430 2 2129 2127
2:SoaR 340 2 1819 1815
Team Ugly 1:Force 480 3 1997 1999
2:Grimm 130 3 1785 1788
Team Purple 1:morbit 160 4 1655 1652
2:Johnny 150 4 2122 2120
2:tatty 90 4 1960 1959
1:tatty 90 4 1831 1830
2:morbit 30 4 1822 1822
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T05:22:57.394Z | Quality: 0.0562
May 24, 2024, 1:22 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:Nanu 670 1 2129 2129
2:Johnny 480 1 2121 2122
Team Ugly 1:Sanity 450 2 1922 1924
2:SoaR 390 2 1742 1819
Team Purple 2:pizza 300 3 2165 2166
1:morbit 100 3 1653 1655
1:pizza 90 3 2050 2050
2:morbit 60 3 1822 1822
Team Gold 1:Andrei 480 4 2034 2029
2:Hades 90 4 1871 1866
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T04:54:31.193Z | Quality: 0.0013
May 24, 2024, 12:54 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:Johnny 550 1 2115 2121
1:Sanity 460 1 1917 1922
1:Johnny 120 1 2073 2074
2:Sanity 40 1 1954 1954
Team Ugly 1:rookie 630 2 2185 2180
2:Nanu 430 2 2186 2178
Team Gold 1:Cadillac 540 3 1988 1990
2:Grimm 60 3 1782 1785
Team Purple 2:SoaR 390 4 1752 1742
1:morbit 190 4 1655 1653
2:morbit 90 4 1823 1822
1:SoaR 90 4 1699 1690
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T04:23:09.184Z | Quality: 0.1288
May 24, 2024, 12:23 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:Nanu 420 1 2128 2129
2:Nanu 270 1 2184 2186
2:Cadillac 250 1 1872 1876
1:Cadillac 210 1 1987 1988
Team Ugly 1:Sanity 610 2 1914 1917
2:SoaR 460 2 1564 1752
Team Gold 2:rookie 360 3 2135 2135
1:rookie 330 3 2185 2185
2:morbit 90 3 1823 1823
1:morbit 60 3 1655 1655
Team Orange 2:thxmp 360 4 1964 1956
1:Illusion 310 4 2038 2033
2:Illusion 30 4 2007 2005
1:thxmp 0 4 1839 1838
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T03:49:43.694Z | Quality: 0.0087
May 23, 2024, 11:49 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:rookie 840 1 2181 2185
2:solsti 240 1 1868 1877
Team Gold 1:Illusion 560 2 2039 2038
2:Johnny 380 2 2115 2115
Team Orange 1:doov 550 3 2042 2039
2:jZ 210 3 2058 2054
Team Purple 1:SoaR 60 4 1700 1699
2:SoaR 60 4 1562 1564
2:Grimm 30 4 1782 1782
1:Grimm 0 4 1542 1541
🇺🇸 2024-05-24T02:47:59.886Z | Quality: 0
May 23, 2024, 10:47 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:N 660 1 2260 2268
1:Nanu 340 1 2125 2128
Team Gold 1:rookie 600 2 2177 2181
2:Illusion 480 2 1989 2007
Team Ugly 1:apple 400 3 2331 2327
2:pizza 240 3 2170 2165
2:apple 180 3 2180 2168
1:pizza 180 3 2052 2050
Team Purple 1:stereo 150 4 1700 1700
2:solsti 60 4 1868 1868
1:solsti 0 4 1686 1686
2:stereo 0 4 1891 1890
🇪🇺 2024-05-23T21:13:14.656Z | Quality: 0.0695
May 23, 2024, 5:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 2:rookie 840 1 2129 2135
1:teejay 390 1 1830 1833
Team Gold 1:ppotter 600 2 2009 2008
2:bignose 360 2 1747 1765
Team Orange 1:ellis 540 3 1797 1803
2:hope 300 3 1877 1877
Team Ugly 2:Sanity 180 4 1955 1954
1:morbit 90 4 1657 1655
1:Sanity 60 4 1914 1914
2:morbit 0 4 1824 1823
🇪🇺 2024-05-22T21:33:51.82Z | Quality: 0.0203
May 22, 2024, 5:33 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:koala 600 1 2266 2269
2:delinquent 360 1 1924 1927
Team Gold 1:N 750 2 2255 2255
2:hope 130 2 1877 1877
Team Ugly 2:ppotter 540 3 2090 2090
1:Syn 220 3 1798 1798
Team Orange 1:Sanity 240 4 1915 1914
2:niveK 110 4 1779 1777
🇪🇺 2024-05-22T21:11:21.288Z | Quality: 0.3933
May 22, 2024, 5:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:koala 840 1 2264 2266
2:niveK 90 1 1775 1779
Team Ugly 1:Andrei 720 2 2031 2034
2:Syn 280 2 1766 1778
Team Purple 2:ppotter 690 3 2090 2090
1:hope 150 3 1652 1658
Team Orange 2:Sanity 510 4 1959 1955
1:ellis 420 4 1814 1797
🇪🇺 2024-05-22T20:39:39.459Z | Quality: 0.0099
May 22, 2024, 4:39 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:koala 660 1 2264 2264
2:delinquent 270 1 1924 1924
Team Gold 1:ppotter 480 2 2007 2009
2:Syn 170 2 1758 1766
Team Ugly 1:ellis 300 3 1804 1814
2:niveK 210 3 1774 1775
Team Orange 1:hope 210 4 1661 1652
2:blaze 150 4 1815 1811
2:hope 30 4 1878 1877
1:blaze 0 4 1715 1709
🇺🇸 2024-05-22T16:53:08.943Z | Quality: 0.063
May 22, 2024, 12:53 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:Andrei 610 1 2026 2031
2:jZ 510 1 2052 2058
Team Purple 2:koala 350 2 2231 2228
1:Sanity 330 2 1917 1915
1:koala 150 2 2265 2264
2:Sanity 30 2 1959 1959
Team Orange 2:ppotter 540 3 2089 2090
1:teejay 240 3 1829 1830
Team Ugly 1:SoaR 390 4 1708 1700
2:SoaR 120 4 1572 1562
1:morbit 0 4 1658 1657
2:morbit 0 4 1825 1824
🇺🇸 2024-05-22T16:25:21.912Z | Quality: 0.0005
May 22, 2024, 12:25 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:koala 700 1 2265 2265
2:pizza 460 1 2170 2170
1:pizza 30 1 2053 2053
2:koala 30 1 2231 2231
Team Purple 1:Sanity 270 2 1911 1917
2:teejay 210 2 1910 1916
1:teejay 0 2 1829 1829
2:Sanity 0 2 1959 1959
Team Gold 1:Cadillac 240 3 1992 1987
2:ppotter 120 3 2094 2089
2:Cadillac 10 3 1875 1872
1:ppotter 0 3 2008 2007
Team Ugly 1:Andrei 120 4 2028 2026
2:morbit 90 4 1827 1825
2:Andrei 90 4 1991 1990
1:morbit 0 4 1659 1658
🇺🇸 2024-05-22T03:42:30.173Z | Quality: 0.164
May 21, 2024, 11:42 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:apple 570 1 2330 2331
2:thxmp 430 1 1961 1964
Team Ugly 1:Nelg 750 2 2121 2124
2:stereo 290 2 1884 1891
Team Orange 1:Gazelle 660 3 2194 2192
2:SoaR 310 3 1494 1572
Team Gold 1:N 570 4 2258 2255
2:niveK 120 4 1779 1774
🇪🇺 2024-05-21T18:04:23.478Z | Quality: 0.0117
May 21, 2024, 2:04 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:koala 750 1 2261 2265
2:delinquent 280 1 1920 1924
Team Gold 2:ppotter 420 2 2096 2094
1:Nanu 340 2 2127 2125
Team Orange 2:ellis 400 3 1640 1695
1:Sanity 390 3 1908 1911
Team Purple 2:teejay 300 4 1913 1910
1:Cadillac 120 4 1996 1992
1:teejay 60 4 1830 1829
2:Cadillac 30 4 1878 1875
🇺🇸 2024-05-21T17:24:21.522Z | Quality: 0.0227
May 21, 2024, 1:24 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:koala 690 1 2259 2261
2:teejay 120 1 1911 1913
Team Gold 1:Nanu 510 2 2127 2127
2:Cadillac 270 2 1874 1878
Team Ugly 1:ppotter 640 3 2010 2008
2:delinquent 400 3 1921 1920
Team Orange 2:Sanity 420 4 1960 1959
1:morbit 200 4 1661 1659
🇺🇸 2024-05-21T16:43:37.086Z | Quality: 0.2241
May 21, 2024, 12:43 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:koala 960 1 2258 2259
2:chubbyboy13 90 1 1500 1630
Team Ugly 2:ppotter 450 2 2091 2096
1:teejay 270 2 1826 1830
1:ppotter 30 2 2009 2010
2:teejay 30 2 1911 1911
Team Gold 1:Nanu 450 3 2127 2127
2:morbit 240 3 1827 1827
Team Orange 2:Sanity 450 4 1963 1960
1:Cadillac 400 4 2001 1996
2:Cadillac 60 4 1879 1874
1:Sanity 60 4 1909 1908
2:Chimp@forums 0 4 1500 1481
🇺🇸 2024-05-21T15:39:43.521Z | Quality: 0.0072
May 21, 2024, 11:39 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:koala 660 1 2254 2258
2:Grimm 360 1 1772 1782
Team Orange 2:Sanity 640 2 1963 1963
1:Nanu 390 2 2127 2127
Team Gold 1:N 600 3 2261 2258
2:niveK 280 3 1783 1779
Team Purple 1:teejay 210 4 1827 1826
2:morbit 150 4 1827 1827
1:stereo 30 4 1701 1700
2:stereo 30 4 1884 1884
2:teejay 30 4 1911 1911
🇪🇺 2024-05-20T22:49:39.636Z | Quality: 0.0015
May 20, 2024, 6:49 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:Nanu 560 1 2125 2127
2:koala 510 1 2228 2231
Team Gold 1:Magi 840 2 2134 2135
2:ppotter 300 2 2090 2091
Team Purple 2:delinquent 540 3 1924 1921
1:N 480 3 2263 2261
Team Ugly 1:hope 210 4 1661 1661
2:teejay 180 4 1911 1911
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T22:11:46.427Z | Quality: 0.8142
May 20, 2024, 6:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:Nanu 570 1 2179 2184
1:Syn 450 1 1788 1798
Team Gold 2:koala 420 2 2227 2228
1:koala 360 2 2254 2254
2:morbit 190 2 1827 1827
1:morbit 80 2 1659 1661
Team Purple 1:ppotter 830 3 2009 2009
2:delinquent 300 3 1924 1924
Team Orange 2:Magi 730 4 2156 2151
1:teejay 220 4 1831 1827
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T21:39:19.348Z | Quality: 0.0179
May 20, 2024, 5:39 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:koala 660 1 2252 2254
2:hope 240 1 1875 1878
Team Gold 1:Nanu 900 2 2124 2125
2:morbit 120 2 1825 1827
Team Ugly 1:Syn 510 3 1791 1788
2:jZ 360 3 2054 2052
Team Purple 2:teejay 330 4 1912 1911
1:niveK 180 4 1578 1576
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T19:50:48.181Z | Quality: 0.0027
May 20, 2024, 3:50 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:NoBrain 580 1 2079 2079
2:pizza 510 1 2170 2170
Team Orange 2:teejay 390 2 1906 1912
1:Mikemacx 210 2 1680 1698
Team Gold 1:Cadillac 420 3 2001 2001
2:niveK 120 3 1784 1783
Team Ugly 1:ppotter 420 4 2013 2009
2:ppotter 60 4 2093 2090
1:Grimm 40 4 1552 1542
2:Grimm 30 4 1780 1772
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T16:44:09.217Z | Quality: 0.0986
May 20, 2024, 12:44 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:Nanu 840 1 2120 2124
2:niveK 240 1 1777 1784
Team Ugly 2:doov 720 2 2059 2061
1:teejay 340 2 1830 1831
Team Gold 1:ppotter 300 3 2016 2013
2:blaze 240 3 1821 1815
1:blaze 30 3 1721 1715
2:ppotter 30 3 2093 2093
Team Purple 2:Grimm 360 4 1781 1780
1:stereo 210 4 1702 1701
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T16:11:24.046Z | Quality: 0.0376
May 20, 2024, 12:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:Gazelle 380 1 1916 1923
1:Gazelle 300 1 2194 2194
1:koala 250 1 2252 2252
2:koala 180 1 2227 2227
Team Purple 1:Nanu 820 2 2116 2120
2:teejay 180 2 1903 1906
Team Gold 1:NoBrain 600 3 2078 2079
2:delinquent 330 3 1924 1924
1:delinquent 0 3 1866 1866
2:NoBrain 0 3 2156 2155
Team Orange 1:N 690 4 2266 2263
2:niveK 170 4 1783 1777
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T15:37:25.123Z | Quality: 0.1845
May 20, 2024, 11:37 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:delinquent 600 1 1921 1924
1:N 510 1 2265 2266
Team Purple 2:NoBrain 570 2 2150 2156
1:teejay 360 2 1829 1830
Team Ugly 1:Nanu 660 3 2116 2116
2:Grimm 60 3 1780 1781
Team Gold 1:doov 360 4 2045 2042
2:niveK 90 4 1786 1783
2:doov 30 4 2060 2059
1:niveK 0 4 1579 1578
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T02:16:25.1Z | Quality: 0.2349
May 19, 2024, 10:16 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:brandy 660 1 1890 1916
1:SoaR 610 1 1490 1708
Team Gold 1:Nanu 750 2 2116 2116
2:solsti 300 2 1868 1868
Team Orange 1:Johnny 390 3 2074 2073
2:Grimm 90 3 1781 1780
Team Purple 2:Rudycantfail 270 4 2021 2018
1:niveK 60 4 1584 1579
🇺🇸 2024-05-20T01:47:02.764Z | Quality: 0.1978
May 19, 2024, 9:47 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:pizza 630 1 2167 2170
1:Nanu 570 1 2113 2116
Team Purple 1:N 630 2 2266 2265
2:Rudycantfail 490 2 2022 2021
1:Rudycantfail 0 2 2020 2020
2:N 0 2 2261 2260
Team Orange 1:apple 720 3 2330 2330
2:niveK 30 3 1786 1786
1:niveK 0 3 1584 1584
Team Gold 2:brandy 480 4 1899 1890
1:SoaR 220 4 1500 1490
2:SoaR 30 4 1500 1494
1:brandy 0 4 1499 1493
🇪🇺 2024-05-19T21:00:18.539Z | Quality: 0.0985
May 19, 2024, 5:00 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:koala 870 1 2251 2252
2:hope 230 1 1873 1875
Team Gold 2:ppotter 660 2 2088 2093
1:niveK 140 2 1546 1584
Team Purple 2:brandy 330 3 1886 1899
1:Syn 240 3 1789 1791
Team Ugly 2:Johnny 480 4 2121 2115
1:teejay 150 4 1834 1829
🇺🇸 2024-05-19T20:32:10.024Z | Quality: 0.0096
May 19, 2024, 4:32 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:Cadillac 690 1 1992 2001
2:niveK 300 1 1773 1786
Team Orange 1:Magi 640 2 2139 2134
2:brandy 580 2 1928 1886
Team Gold 2:teejay 420 3 1901 1903
1:Mikemacx 270 3 1674 1680
Team Ugly 1:Syn 420 4 1795 1789
2:simules@L_OP 30 4 1500 1428
🇪🇺 2024-05-19T19:23:48.467Z | Quality: 0.2325
May 19, 2024, 3:23 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 2:Nanu 570 1 2175 2179
1:NoBrain 420 1 2071 2078
Team Orange 1:Ninja Potato 580 2 2095 2102
2:M3l0n 210 2 1747 1818
Team Ugly 1:Johnny 360 3 2075 2074
2:brandy 160 3 1922 1928
Team Gold 1:koala 330 4 2253 2251
2:niveK 80 4 1777 1773
1:niveK 30 4 1550 1546
2:koala 0 4 2228 2227
🇪🇺 2024-05-19T18:57:06.327Z | Quality: 0.1574
May 19, 2024, 2:57 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:Nanu 600 1 2111 2113
2:Ninja Potato 540 1 2222 2240
Team Purple 1:koala 520 2 2253 2253
2:brandy 490 2 1900 1922
Team Orange 1:NoBrain 630 3 2070 2071
2:jZ 240 3 2054 2054
Team Ugly 2:Johnny 600 4 2123 2121
1:M3l0n 160 4 1711 1694
2:M3l0n 0 4 1749 1747
1:Johnny 0 4 2075 2075
🇪🇺 2024-05-19T18:21:42.073Z | Quality: 0.0127
May 19, 2024, 2:21 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:NoBrain 660 1 2065 2070
2:koala 460 1 2225 2228
Team Gold 2:Nanu 570 2 2171 2175
1:ellis 300 2 1775 1804
Team Purple 1:Ninja Potato 750 3 2107 2095
2:jZ 270 3 2059 2054
Team Orange 2:brandy 510 4 1900 1900
1:niveK 40 4 1550 1550
1:brandy 0 4 1500 1499
2:niveK 0 4 1777 1777
🇪🇺 2024-05-19T17:47:31.718Z | Quality: 0.1914
May 19, 2024, 1:47 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:Andrei 420 1 2023 2028
2:NoBrain 360 1 2137 2150
Team Orange 2:pizza 450 2 2168 2167
1:Nanu 300 2 2112 2111
1:pizza 40 2 2053 2053
2:Nanu 0 2 2171 2171
Team Ugly 2:koala 210 3 2226 2225
1:ellis 160 3 1774 1775
1:koala 120 3 2253 2253
2:ellis 120 3 1640 1640
Team Purple 2:brandy 300 4 1906 1900
1:Syn 120 4 1798 1795
🇪🇺 2024-05-18T23:28:45.541Z | Quality: 0.0763
May 18, 2024, 7:28 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:Nanu 780 1 2111 2112
2:hope 210 1 1871 1873
Team Purple 1:Syn 270 2 1786 1798
2:niveK 150 2 1768 1777
Team Orange 1:stereo 330 3 1696 1702
2:jfacas 120 3 1842 1848
Team Gold 2:ppotter 90 4 2094 2088
1:Mikemacx 60 4 1688 1674
🇪🇺 2024-05-18T23:08:56.066Z | Quality: 0.5201
May 18, 2024, 7:08 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 2:Nanu 810 1 2165 2171
1:teejay 240 1 1830 1834
Team Ugly 2:koala 480 2 2226 2226
1:Syn 410 2 1786 1786
Team Purple 1:Nate 630 3 1950 1953
2:jfacas 90 3 1837 1842
Team Orange 1:ppotter 780 4 2020 2016
2:hope 60 4 1878 1871
🇺🇸 2024-05-18T21:23:38.039Z | Quality: 0.0024
May 18, 2024, 5:23 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 2:olive 480 1 1999 2013
1:Nate 450 1 1941 1950
2:Nate 120 1 2119 2121
1:olive 60 1 1992 1995
Team Ugly 1:pizza 430 2 2055 2053
2:pizza 180 2 2170 2168
2:Andrei 150 2 1994 1991
1:Andrei 100 2 2026 2023
Team Orange 1:hope 390 3 1639 1661
2:teejay 30 3 1898 1901
Team Purple 1:ellis 330 4 1789 1774
2:niveK 90 4 1772 1768
1:niveK 0 4 1552 1550
2:ellis 0 4 1642 1640
🇺🇸 2024-05-18T17:04:13.749Z | Quality: 0.3033
May 18, 2024, 1:04 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:apple 960 1 2328 2330
2:Cadillac 90 1 1872 1879
Team Purple 1:ellis 370 2 1751 1789
2:Sanity 330 2 1961 1963
Team Ugly 2:Syn 190 3 1756 1758
1:olive 180 3 1991 1992
Team Orange 1:pizza 420 4 2059 2055
2:niveK 100 4 1778 1772
🇺🇸 2024-05-18T03:21:23.97Z | Quality: 0.0213
May 17, 2024, 11:21 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:N 660 1 2255 2261
1:Sanity 400 1 1908 1909
Team Gold 1:pizza 390 2 2059 2059
2:jZ 300 2 2059 2059
1:jZ 180 2 1730 1731
2:pizza 60 2 2170 2170
Team Orange 1:Nanu 630 3 2111 2111
2:niveK 30 3 1778 1778
Team Purple 1:thxmp 180 4 1841 1839
2:Syn 120 4 1759 1756
2:thxmp 30 4 1961 1961
1:Syn 0 4 1787 1786
🇺🇸 2024-05-17T23:19:50.441Z | Quality: 0.409
May 17, 2024, 7:19 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:koala 570 1 2222 2226
1:teejay 430 1 1828 1830
Team Purple 1:Andrei 590 2 2022 2026
2:blaze 360 2 1811 1821
Team Orange 2:pizza 330 3 2172 2170
1:hope 210 3 1644 1639
1:pizza 180 3 2060 2059
2:hope 60 3 1879 1878
Team Gold 2:Magi 360 4 2158 2156
1:niveK 120 4 1562 1552
🇺🇸 2024-05-17T22:51:50.28Z | Quality: 0.0143
May 17, 2024, 6:51 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:teejay 550 1 1826 1828
2:koala 510 1 2219 2222
Team Orange 1:Magi 420 2 2140 2139
2:ellis 300 2 1634 1642
Team Ugly 2:delinquent 90 3 1921 1921
1:Mikemacx 60 3 1687 1688
1:delinquent 60 3 1863 1866
2:Mikemacx 30 3 1744 1745
Team Gold 1:niveK 130 4 1568 1562
2:blaze 0 4 1815 1811
🇺🇸 2024-05-17T22:23:48.038Z | Quality: 0.0236
May 17, 2024, 6:23 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 2:koala 690 1 2218 2219
1:ellis 340 1 1736 1751
Team Orange 2:BoXeD 570 2 1642 1808
1:niveK 230 2 1555 1568
1:BoXeD 90 2 1755 1767
2:niveK 0 2 1777 1778
Team Ugly 1:delinquent 530 3 1865 1863
2:blaze 330 3 1816 1815
Team Purple 1:teejay 330 4 1828 1826
2:Mikemacx 250 4 1746 1744
🇺🇸 2024-05-17T16:20:36.454Z | Quality: 0.0797
May 17, 2024, 12:20 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:Rudycantfail 620 1 2018 2020
2:koala 420 1 2215 2218
Team Orange 1:N 630 2 2265 2266
2:hope 120 2 1877 1879
Team Purple 1:ppotter 250 3 2019 2020
2:stereo 120 3 1883 1884
2:ppotter 120 3 2094 2094
1:stereo 60 3 1695 1696
Team Gold 1:Cadillac 330 4 1996 1992
2:teejay 210 4 1901 1898
🇺🇸 2024-05-17T15:52:13.134Z | Quality: 0.0036
May 17, 2024, 11:52 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:NoBrain 590 1 2062 2065
2:ppotter 470 1 2092 2094
Team Ugly 1:Cadillac 690 2 1991 1996
2:hope 190 2 1869 1877
Team Gold 1:N 630 3 2269 2265
2:niveK 300 3 1785 1777
Team Purple 2:teejay 300 4 1901 1901
1:Grimm 130 4 1552 1552
🇺🇸 2024-05-17T03:49:30.765Z | Quality: 0.0044
May 16, 2024, 11:49 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:N 570 1 2266 2269
2:Rudycantfail 340 1 2017 2022
Team Purple 1:apple 660 2 2328 2328
2:Cadillac 360 2 1869 1872
Team Orange 1:Nanu 540 3 2113 2111
2:jZ 180 3 2062 2059
Team Gold 1:Wind 300 4 1810 1810
2:niveK 90 4 1785 1785
🇺🇸 2024-05-17T02:34:55.705Z | Quality: 0.1989
May 16, 2024, 10:34 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:apple 780 1 2326 2328
2:niveK 210 1 1781 1785
Team Gold 1:pizza 660 2 2057 2060
2:solsti 270 2 1863 1868
Team Purple 2:Rudycantfail 420 3 2018 2017
1:Sanity 300 3 1909 1908
1:Rudycantfail 130 3 2019 2018
2:Sanity 90 3 1961 1961
Team Ugly 1:Cadillac 570 4 1993 1991
2:morbit 90 4 1827 1825
1:morbit 30 4 1660 1659
🇺🇸 2024-05-16T22:26:36.686Z | Quality: 0.2728
May 16, 2024, 6:26 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 2:ppotter 550 1 2086 2092
1:teejay 430 1 1822 1828
Team Gold 1:Magi 660 2 2138 2140
2:niveK 90 2 1775 1781
Team Ugly 2:doov 480 3 2068 2060
1:Andrei 310 3 2028 2022
2:Cadillac 0 3 1872 1869
Team Orange 1:pizza 420 4 2059 2057
2:Mikemacx 150 4 1749 1746
2:pizza 60 4 2172 2172
1:Mikemacx 30 4 1688 1687
🇪🇺 2024-05-16T21:15:16.144Z | Quality: 0.3313
May 16, 2024, 5:15 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:ppotter 990 1 2012 2019
2:stereo 100 1 1877 1883
2:teejay 60 1 1900 1901
Team Orange 1:Gazelle 810 2 2195 2194
2:niveK 210 2 1776 1775
Team Purple 2:Nate 630 3 2122 2119
1:hope 120 3 1648 1644
Team Gold 2:M3l0n 180 4 1767 1749
1:M3l0n 90 4 1720 1711
1:andydel@L_OP 0 4 1368 1349
2:andydel@L_OP 0 4 1338 1328
🇪🇺 2024-05-16T20:42:45.704Z | Quality: 0.0674
May 16, 2024, 4:42 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 2:Nate 540 1 2121 2122
1:M3l0n 450 1 1684 1720
Team Orange 2:ppotter 810 2 2083 2086
1:morbit 240 2 1654 1660
Team Ugly 2:hope 330 3 1869 1869
1:teejay 270 3 1822 1822
Team Gold 2:Syn 240 4 1765 1759
1:andydel@L_OP 90 4 1389 1368
2:andydel@L_OP 10 4 1348 1338
1:Syn 0 4 1788 1787
🇺🇸 2024-05-16T18:14:46.174Z | Quality: 0.0585
May 16, 2024, 2:14 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:N 720 1 2264 2266
2:teejay 330 1 1898 1900
2:N 60 1 2254 2255
1:teejay 0 1 1822 1822
Team Gold 2:ppotter 660 2 2084 2083
1:M3l0n 450 2 1608 1684
Team Purple 2:pizza 810 3 2172 2172
1:niveK 210 3 1543 1555
1:pizza 30 3 2060 2059
2:niveK 0 3 1776 1776
Team Orange 1:ellis 270 4 1749 1736
2:blaze 180 4 1821 1816
🇺🇸 2024-05-16T16:40:45.685Z | Quality: 0
May 16, 2024, 12:40 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:roter 660 1 1752 1752
1:teejay 510 1 1822 1822
1:N 510 1 2265 2265
2:N 270 1 2254 2254
2:Sanity 90 1 1962 1962
Team Ugly 2:delinquent 160 2 1915 1921
1:delinquent 150 2 1853 1865
Team Purple 1:niveK 270 3 1562 1543
2:morbit 210 3 1830 1827
Team Gold 2:andydel@L_OP 90 4 1428 1348
1:G5 50 4 1486 1387
1:andydel@L_OP 0 4 1500 1389
🇺🇸 2024-05-15T21:43:17.183Z | Quality: 0.027
May 15, 2024, 5:43 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:koala 600 1 2252 2253
2:niveK 490 1 1773 1776
Team Gold 1:Nate 570 2 1930 1941
2:Mikemacx 220 2 1742 1749
Team Purple 1:Magi 510 3 2141 2138
2:andydel@L_OP 290 3 1500 1428
Team Ugly 2:ellis 450 4 1644 1634
1:teejay 300 4 1824 1822
🇺🇸 2024-05-15T21:00:10.88Z | Quality: 0.4402
May 15, 2024, 5:00 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:Nate 960 1 1916 1930
2:niveK 210 1 1760 1773
Team Gold 2:Magi 450 2 2159 2158
1:Mikemacx 300 2 1690 1688
Team Purple 1:Sanity 450 3 1909 1909
2:ellis 230 3 1620 1644
Team Orange 2:G5 120 4 1829 1823
1:teejay 90 4 1827 1824
🇺🇸 2024-05-15T05:48:25.88Z | Quality: 0.0004
May 15, 2024, 1:48 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:Johnny 310 1 2075 2075
1:Nanu 270 1 2113 2113
2:Nanu 240 1 2164 2165
2:Johnny 60 1 2123 2123
Team Ugly 1:pizza 360 2 2060 2060
2:jZ 270 2 2062 2062
2:pizza 240 2 2172 2172
1:jZ 190 2 1731 1730
Team Gold 1:Sanity 630 3 1908 1909
2:blaze 240 3 1815 1821
Team Orange 1:tatty 600 4 1833 1831
2:morbit 270 4 1832 1830
1:morbit 30 4 1654 1654
2:tatty 0 4 1960 1960
🇺🇸 2024-05-15T05:18:59.558Z | Quality: 0.0793
May 15, 2024, 1:18 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:jZ 570 1 2061 2062
1:Nanu 450 1 2113 2113
Team Purple 1:pizza 780 2 2057 2060
2:pizza 210 2 2172 2172
2:Grimm 150 2 1773 1781
1:Grimm 0 2 1548 1552
Team Gold 1:Sanity 660 3 1907 1908
2:blaze 390 3 1807 1815
Team Ugly 1:Johnny 430 4 2079 2075
2:morbit 220 4 1837 1832
🇺🇸 2024-05-15T01:55:33.316Z | Quality: 0.0065
May 14, 2024, 9:55 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:Sanity 660 1 1959 1962
1:Agility 440 1 1908 1919
Team Gold 1:Johnny 630 2 2081 2079
2:morbit 180 2 1838 1837
2:Johnny 60 2 2123 2123
1:morbit 10 2 1655 1654
Team Orange 1:pizza 780 3 2051 2057
Team Purple 1:niveK 150 4 1600 1562
2:dani 90 4 1911 1907
🇺🇸 2024-05-14T21:43:10.975Z | Quality: 0.2599
May 14, 2024, 5:43 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:ppotter 830 1 2081 2084
1:Sanity 270 1 1904 1907
Team Purple 1:pizza 810 2 2050 2051
2:blaze 270 2 1801 1807
Team Gold 1:Nanu 240 3 2114 2113
2:Mikemacx 180 3 1744 1742
Team Orange 1:hope 90 4 1654 1648
2:teejay 60 4 1900 1898
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T19:46:52.812Z | Quality: 0.2443
May 13, 2024, 3:46 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:M3l0n 570 1 1644 1767
1:ellis 540 1 1713 1749
Team Orange 1:pizza 540 2 2050 2050
2:pizza 300 2 2172 2172
2:Grimm 120 2 1772 1773
1:Grimm 100 2 1546 1548
Team Gold 1:Syn 720 3 1785 1788
2:blaze 160 3 1797 1801
Team Purple 2:teejay 390 4 1902 1900
1:Mikemacx 290 4 1695 1690
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T19:19:19.503Z | Quality: 0.3629
May 13, 2024, 3:19 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:teejay 450 1 1899 1902
1:ellis 390 1 1652 1713
1:teejay 90 1 1826 1827
2:ellis 90 1 1601 1620
Team Purple 2:M3l0n 210 2 1632 1644
1:M3l0n 210 2 1500 1608
1:Grimm 60 2 1546 1546
2:Grimm 60 2 1772 1772
Team Gold 2:blaze 270 3 1790 1797
1:Mikemacx 240 3 1691 1695
Team Orange 1:hope 300 4 1674 1654
2:niveK 90 4 1767 1760
2:hope 90 4 1872 1869
1:niveK 0 4 1615 1600
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T18:55:01.241Z | Quality: 0.3867
May 13, 2024, 2:55 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:delinquent 580 1 1838 1853
2:Syn 460 1 1743 1765
Team Orange 1:niveK 420 2 1609 1615
2:M3l0n 390 2 1500 1632
Team Gold 1:teejay 600 3 1826 1826
2:Grimm 210 3 1771 1772
Team Purple 2:blaze 450 4 1801 1790
1:Mikemacx 140 4 1699 1691
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T18:03:22.963Z | Quality: 0.0157
May 13, 2024, 2:03 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 2:ppotter 540 1 2079 2081
1:delinquent 390 1 1832 1838
Team Ugly 2:Mikemacx 390 2 1741 1744
1:blaze 270 2 1483 1721
Team Gold 1:G5 180 3 1520 1486
1:teejay 90 3 1827 1826
2:teejay 90 3 1901 1899
2:G5 40 3 1830 1829
Team Orange 2:niveK 180 4 1768 1767
1:Grimm 60 4 1548 1546
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T17:07:23.21Z | Quality: 0.0696
May 13, 2024, 1:07 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:pizza 900 1 2044 2050
2:hope 270 1 1863 1872
Team Purple 1:roter 600 2 1984 1966
2:teejay 180 2 1903 1901
Team Gold 2:Sanity 420 3 1957 1959
1:Mikemacx 230 3 1690 1699
Team Orange 1:blaze 150 4 1543 1483
2:blaze 120 4 1808 1801
2:niveK 30 4 1772 1768
1:niveK 30 4 1630 1609
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T16:44:57.411Z | Quality: 0.0172
May 13, 2024, 12:44 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:pizza 730 1 2044 2044
2:hope 240 1 1862 1863
2:pizza 120 1 2172 2172
1:hope 30 1 1673 1674
Team Gold 1:Grimm 300 2 1508 1548
2:teejay 240 2 1899 1903
Team Ugly 1:stereo 360 3 1685 1695
2:niveK 150 3 1764 1772
1:niveK 30 3 1627 1630
Team Orange 2:Sanity 210 4 1962 1957
1:Sanity 130 4 1907 1904
2:Mikemacx 80 4 1746 1741
1:Mikemacx -20 4 1703 1690
🇺🇸 2024-05-12T22:50:13.484Z | Quality: 0.0476
May 12, 2024, 6:50 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:apple 540 1 2323 2326
2:tatty 210 1 1956 1960
2:apple 210 1 2171 2180
1:tatty 60 1 1831 1833
Team Gold 2:Nanu 460 2 2166 2164
1:Magi 370 2 2142 2141
Team Purple 1:N 690 3 2266 2265
2:hope 90 3 1865 1862
Team Orange 2:brandy 540 4 1906 1906
1:morbit 120 4 1656 1655
🇺🇸 2024-05-11T22:07:35.062Z | Quality: 0.0808
May 11, 2024, 6:07 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 2:brandy 570 1 1881 1906
1:Magi 510 1 2142 2142
Team Gold 1:ppotter 600 2 2009 2012
2:teejay 90 2 1897 1899
Team Orange 2:Andrei 360 3 1993 1994
1:ellis 330 3 1620 1652
Team Purple 1:pizza 690 4 2047 2044
2:Mikemacx 130 4 1750 1746
🇺🇸 2024-05-11T19:07:51.293Z | Quality: 0.1713
May 11, 2024, 3:07 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 2:pizza 600 1 2167 2172
1:ellis 480 1 1478 1620
Team Ugly 1:ppotter 600 2 2011 2009
2:brandy 580 2 1874 1881
Team Orange 2:delinquent 250 3 1913 1915
1:Magi 210 3 2141 2142
2:Magi 120 3 2159 2159
1:delinquent 0 3 1828 1832
Team Purple 1:Ninja Potato 540 4 2122 2107
2:Grimm 30 4 1782 1771
🇺🇸 2024-05-11T18:38:50.514Z | Quality: 0.2236
May 11, 2024, 2:38 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 2:brandy 690 1 1730 1874
1:ppotter 500 1 2008 2011
Team Purple 2:Ninja Potato 720 2 2211 2222
1:ellis 260 2 1391 1478
Team Orange 2:pizza 630 3 2168 2167
1:Syn 330 3 1786 1785
Team Ugly 2:Magi 300 4 2161 2159
1:Magi 150 4 2142 2141
2:Grimm 90 4 1784 1782
1:Grimm 70 4 1515 1508
🇺🇸 2024-05-11T18:07:20.432Z | Quality: 0.0243
May 11, 2024, 2:07 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:Magi 630 1 2141 2142
2:Sanity 520 1 1961 1962
Team Ugly 2:pizza 390 2 2167 2168
1:Grimm 270 2 1503 1515
1:pizza 90 2 2047 2047
2:Grimm 30 2 1784 1784
Team Orange 2:teejay 420 3 1895 1897
1:morbit 180 3 1650 1656
Team Purple 2:ellis 300 4 1644 1601
1:Syn 270 4 1794 1786
🇺🇸 2024-05-10T16:20:22.64Z | Quality: 0.0527
May 10, 2024, 12:20 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:N 1140 1 2264 2266
2:Grimm 120 1 1774 1784
Team Gold 2:pizza 420 2 2169 2167
1:bignose 270 2 1502 1534
2:bignose 90 2 1756 1747
1:pizza 90 2 2048 2047
Team Orange 2:ppotter 660 3 2076 2079
1:morbit 170 3 1644 1650
Team Purple 1:teejay 270 4 1830 1827
2:Sanity 240 4 1964 1961
🇺🇸 2024-05-10T15:51:39Z | Quality: 0.2663
May 10, 2024, 11:51 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:N 900 1 2262 2264
2:niveK 160 1 1757 1764
Team Purple 2:ppotter 630 2 2074 2076
1:teejay 310 2 1828 1830
Team Ugly 2:pizza 390 3 2169 2169
1:morbit 190 3 1644 1644
1:pizza 60 3 2048 2048
2:morbit 30 3 1839 1838
Team Orange 2:Sanity 270 4 1966 1964
1:Syn 160 4 1799 1794
1:Sanity 150 4 1908 1907
2:Syn 0 4 1747 1743
🇺🇸 2024-05-10T15:23:48.021Z | Quality: 0.0142
May 10, 2024, 11:23 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:N 780 1 2261 2262
2:delinquent 310 1 1912 1913
Team Ugly 2:ppotter 540 2 2072 2074
1:niveK 150 2 1576 1627
Team Gold 1:Sanity 420 3 1907 1908
2:morbit 200 3 1837 1839
Team Orange 1:Illusion 180 4 2040 2039
1:Grimm 60 4 1511 1503
2:Grimm 30 4 1778 1774
2:Illusion 0 4 1990 1989
2:Syn 0 4 1752 1747
1:Syn 0 4 1800 1799
🇺🇸 2024-05-10T03:00:53.416Z | Quality: 0.0258
May 09, 2024, 11:00 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 2:N 690 1 2253 2254
1:teejay 330 1 1828 1828
Team Purple 1:tatty 310 2 1824 1831
2:morbit 270 2 1833 1837
2:tatty 180 2 1953 1956
1:morbit 60 2 1639 1644
Team Ugly 1:Sanity 480 3 1907 1907
2:Grimm 210 3 1776 1778
1:Grimm 10 3 1511 1511
2:Sanity 0 3 1966 1966
Team Gold 1:pizza 570 4 2056 2048
2:niveK 120 4 1772 1757
🇺🇸 2024-05-09T01:27:18.242Z | Quality: 0.0379
May 08, 2024, 9:27 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 2:Sanity 430 1 1964 1966
2:Johnny 330 1 2122 2123
1:Johnny 300 1 2079 2081
1:Sanity 40 1 1907 1907
Team Orange 1:Nelg 390 2 2122 2121
2:blaze 280 2 1810 1808
Team Purple 1:Andrei 510 3 2028 2028
2:Xobsile 120 3 1708 1708
Team Ugly 1:Cookie 390 4 1513 1510
2:Mikemacx 270 4 1752 1750
🇺🇸 2024-05-09T00:42:11.918Z | Quality: 0.0055
May 08, 2024, 8:42 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:pizza 330 1 2054 2056
2:Rudycantfail 300 1 2015 2018
1:Rudycantfail 270 1 2017 2019
2:pizza 210 1 2168 2169
Team Purple 1:Nelg 490 2 2124 2122
2:Force 350 2 1999 1994
1:Force 30 2 1997 1997
2:Nelg 0 2 2135 2135
Team Orange 1:Sanity 480 3 1905 1907
2:delinquent 270 3 1910 1912
Team Gold 1:Agility 90 4 1913 1908
2:Agility 60 4 1963 1961
1:Mikemacx 30 4 1706 1703
2:Mikemacx 0 4 1754 1752
🇺🇸 2024-05-07T18:12:29.737Z | Quality: 0.1812
May 07, 2024, 2:12 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Purple 1:koala 840 1 2248 2252
2:jodra33@L_OP 120 1 1434 1620
Team Gold 2:Nanu 580 2 2163 2166
1:Sanity 410 2 1904 1905
Team Ugly 1:roter 570 3 1789 1984
2:Mikemacx 180 3 1748 1754
1:Mikemacx 60 3 1705 1706
Team Orange 2:Nelg 300 4 2143 2135
2:Andrei 180 4 1997 1993
1:Andrei 60 4 2035 2028
1:Nelg 60 4 2127 2124
🇺🇸 2024-05-07T17:37:57.612Z | Quality: 0.1367
May 07, 2024, 1:37 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Ugly 1:koala 810 1 2246 2248
2:delinquent 340 1 1909 1910
Team Purple 1:Nanu 360 2 2113 2114
2:Nanu 180 2 2163 2163
2:stereo 150 2 1875 1877
1:stereo 30 2 1683 1685
Team Orange 2:blaze 340 3 1813 1810
1:Andrei 300 3 2037 2035
Team Gold 1:Sanity 300 4 1905 1904
2:jodra33@L_OP 60 4 1432 1434
🇺🇸 2024-05-07T04:50:24.899Z | Quality: 0.3096
May 07, 2024, 12:50 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Orange 1:Rudycantfail 450 1 2009 2017
2:Rudycantfail 240 1 2014 2015
2:blaze 210 1 1781 1813
1:blaze 0 1 1499 1543
Team Gold 1:Nelg 690 2 2128 2127
2:Sanity 450 2 1966 1964
2:Nelg 0 2 2143 2143
1:Sanity 0 2 1906 1905
Team Purple 1:Cadillac 780 3 1990 1993
2:niveK 240 3 1765 1772
Team Ugly 1:Nanu 640 4 2118 2113
2:morbit 160 4 1838 1833
🇺🇸 2024-05-07T03:34:41.596Z | Quality: 0.2589
May 06, 2024, 11:34 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:Nanu 930 1 2115 2118
2:Grimm 270 1 1765 1776
Team Orange 1:Rudycantfail 390 2 2005 2009
2:niveK 150 2 1757 1765
Team Ugly 1:Cadillac 390 3 1993 1990
2:blaze 240 3 1790 1781
Team Purple 2:Sanity 240 4 1968 1966
1:morbit 120 4 1642 1639
1:Sanity 30 4 1906 1906
2:morbit 0 4 1838 1838
🇺🇸 2024-05-06T16:59:16.992Z | Quality: 0.0527
May 06, 2024, 12:59 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold 1:koala 600 1 2246 2246
2:niveK 390 1 1754 1757
Team Ugly 1:delinquent 510 2 1815 1828
2:Syn 390 2 1732 1752
Team Purple 1:Sanity 420 3 1906 1906
2:Sanity 180 3 1968 1968
1:morbit 30 3 1642 1642
2:morbit 30 3 1838 1838
Team Orange 2:teejay 510 4 1898 1895
1:dockofpayne@forums 120 4 1500 1421
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