TST SBT Fortress
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🠜 Page 2 of 13 🠞
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T03:46:04.119Z | Quality: 0.4012
May 12, 2024, 11:46 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue mr 28 1 -0.88 4.28
Nanu 24 1 21.43 21.44
stereo 18 1 -29.06 -28.44
pizza 12 1 15.63 15.65
Nelg 10 1 18.2 18.19
niveK 6 1 -48.44 -47.09
Team Gold apple 18 2 21.56 21.4
dani 18 2 7.41 7.42
Sanity 18 2 4.29 4.31
morbit 16 2 -49.13 -49
solsti 12 2 1.28 1.34
jZ 8 2 12.91 12.9
Wind 6 2 24.19 24.16
🇺🇸 2024-05-13T03:13:25.628Z | Quality: 0.5862
May 12, 2024, 11:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Wind 36 1 24.18 24.19
Sanity 26 1 4.26 4.29
apple 24 1 21.54 21.56
mr 18 1 -2.03 -0.88
jZ 16 1 12.91 12.91
morbit 8 1 -49.23 -49.13
Team Blue dani 32 2 7.35 7.41
Gazelle 28 2 15.57 15.56
Nanu 22 2 21.44 21.43
tx 16 2 7.95 7.95
eeZ 16 2 2.89 2.89
solsti 2 2 1.29 1.28
🇺🇸 2024-05-12T23:57:22.375Z | Quality: 0.2966
May 12, 2024, 7:57 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nelg 32 1 18.17 18.2
jZ 22 1 12.9 12.91
apple 20 1 21.65 21.54
mr 16 1 -1.17 -2.03
morbit 12 1 -49.47 -49.23
Mikemacx 8 1 -6.09 -5.63
Team Blue Nanu 34 2 21.44 21.44
Ninja Potato 26 2 16.88 16.9
roter 20 2 7.11 7.03
Sanity 14 2 4.29 4.26
niveK 8 2 -49.2 -48.44
solsti 8 2 1.23 1.29
🇺🇸 2024-05-12T23:22:11.613Z | Quality: 0.2956
May 12, 2024, 7:22 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Syn 24 1 -3.03 0.23
roter 22 1 7.13 7.11
jZ 18 1 12.88 12.9
Nelg 16 1 18.17 18.17
Ninja Potato 16 1 16.83 16.88
morbit 14 1 -49.63 -49.47
Team Blue apple 26 2 21.84 21.65
koala 18 2 21.83 21.8
jfacas 16 2 -3.48 -2.87
Sanity 16 2 4.27 4.29
mr 12 2 0 -1.17
niveK 2 2 -49.15 -49.2
🇺🇸 2024-05-06T02:08:27.459Z | Quality: 0.4697
May 05, 2024, 10:08 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Grimm 24 1 -13.31 -11.7
Nanu 24 1 21.45 21.44
Johnny 24 1 17.72 17.73
Nelg 20 1 18.16 18.17
jZ 18 1 12.84 12.88
chubbyboy13@forums 8 1 -14.96 -10.8
Team Blue N 24 2 8.21 8.25
koala 24 2 21.83 21.83
Sanity 20 2 4.26 4.27
Syn 14 2 -4 -3.03
morbit 8 2 -49.73 -49.63
elektro@L_OP 6 2 0 -12.53
🇺🇸 2024-05-06T00:57:04.649Z | Quality: 0.6185
May 05, 2024, 8:57 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue N 40 1 8.04 8.21
koala 22 1 21.81 21.83
Force 20 1 9.97 10.03
Nelg 14 1 18.17 18.16
morbit 8 1 -49.85 -49.73
chubbyboy13@forums 2 1 0 -14.96
Team Gold Ampz 22 2 27.37 27.36
Mikemacx 22 2 -6.73 -6.09
Nanu 22 2 21.46 21.45
Sanity 14 2 4.29 4.26
pizza 12 2 15.65 15.63
Syn 10 2 -3.78 -4
🇺🇸 2024-05-05T23:42:07.219Z | Quality: 0.8699
May 05, 2024, 7:42 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Ampz 30 1 27.38 27.37
Nanu 28 1 21.46 21.46
pizza 24 1 15.65 15.65
Sanity 18 1 4.26 4.29
koala 16 1 21.83 21.81
Mikemacx 6 1 -6.53 -6.73
Team Blue Wind 26 2 24.2 24.18
Ninja Potato 24 2 16.83 16.83
roter 22 2 7.05 7.13
Andrei 14 2 17.77 17.69
Nelg 14 2 18.18 18.17
Syn 8 2 -2.83 -3.78
🇺🇸 2024-05-05T21:48:56.864Z | Quality: 0.7303
May 05, 2024, 5:48 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue ppotter 34 1 11.43 11.61
Ampz 32 1 27.36 27.38
Andrei 12 1 17.81 17.77
roter 8 1 7.21 7.05
G5 8 1 7.48 7.56
blaze 6 1 -0.97 -0.66
Team Gold Nate 24 2 15.35 15.34
Nanu 24 2 21.47 21.46
koala 16 2 21.86 21.83
Syn 14 2 -2.83 -2.83
niveK 6 2 -49.33 -49.15
Johnny 4 2 17.77 17.72
🇺🇸 2024-05-05T19:41:37.745Z | Quality: 0.4562
May 05, 2024, 3:41 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue G5 30 1 7.37 7.48
ppotter 24 1 11.35 11.43
Syn 16 1 -4.08 -2.83
dani 16 1 7.33 7.35
Nanu 16 1 21.49 21.47
Cadillac@forums 12 1 0 5.23
Team Gold Nate 24 2 15.3 15.35
Johnny 22 2 17.79 17.77
koala 22 2 21.86 21.86
Force 12 2 10.04 9.97
niveK 6 2 -49.32 -49.33
chubby@L_OP 4 2 0 -15.52
🇺🇸 2024-05-03T04:02:00.674Z | Quality: 0.3332
May 03, 2024, 12:02 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue pizza 30 1 15.62 15.65
Ampz 20 1 27.37 27.36
jZ 18 1 12.82 12.84
blaze 14 1 -2.22 -0.97
Sanity 12 1 4.23 4.26
morbit 8 1 -50.03 -49.85
Team Gold Johnny 40 2 17.74 17.79
Nelg 20 2 18.19 18.18
Wind 16 2 24.24 24.2
eeZ 8 2 2.93 2.89
niveK 2 2 -49.33 -49.32
dockofpayne@forums 2 2 0 -11.69
🇺🇸 2024-05-02T00:23:53.227Z | Quality: 0.6411
May 01, 2024, 8:23 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nelg 26 1 18.18 18.19
Andrei 26 1 17.75 17.81
Ninja Potato 24 1 16.83 16.83
koala 16 1 21.85 21.86
delinquent 14 1 -9.17 -9.23
niveK 8 1 -49.52 -49.33
Team Blue Ampz 26 2 27.37 27.37
Gazelle 24 2 15.59 15.57
Sanity 20 2 4.22 4.23
N 12 2 8.14 8.04
Magi 8 2 12.49 12.43
Mikemacx 6 2 -6.61 -6.53
🇺🇸 2024-04-28T21:16:57.06Z | Quality: 0.6122
April 28, 2024, 5:16 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue koala 34 1 21.82 21.85
Ampz 24 1 27.37 27.37
Force 20 1 9.93 10.04
N 14 1 8.13 8.14
delinquent 12 1 -9.16 -9.17
james@L_OP 0 1 0 -10.7
Team Gold Nanu 28 2 21.49 21.49
Syn 20 2 -3.79 -4.08
Nelg 20 2 18.19 18.18
Gazelle 12 2 15.66 15.59
Cadillac 6 2 11.46 11.15
hope 4 2 -10.28 -11.81
🇺🇸 2024-04-20T22:19:23.116Z | Quality: 0.322
April 20, 2024, 6:19 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold pizza 30 1 15.59 15.62
G5 30 1 7.2 7.37
Nanu 24 1 21.49 21.49
Johnny 22 1 17.73 17.74
morbit 10 1 -49.95 -50.03
rosco@L_OP 6 1 0 -5.17
Team Blue ppotter 32 2 11.02 11.35
Sanity 32 2 4.15 4.22
Force 18 2 10.01 9.93
delinquent 14 2 -9.15 -9.16
solsti 10 2 1.27 1.23
hope 4 2 -6.68 -10.28
🇺🇸 2024-04-20T17:31:30.762Z | Quality: 0.5463
April 20, 2024, 1:31 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Ninja Potato 26 1 16.79 16.83
pizza 24 1 15.55 15.59
G5 22 1 7.02 7.2
Cadillac 20 1 11.59 11.46
jZ 18 1 12.82 12.82
zorb 2 1 -22.07 -20.95
Team Blue Johnny 22 2 17.74 17.73
Sanity 18 2 4.14 4.15
roter 16 2 7.2 7.21
Magi 14 2 12.51 12.49
koala 14 2 21.86 21.82
Grimm 4 2 -11.6 -13.31
🇺🇸 2024-04-08T01:48:26.544Z | Quality: 0.3086
April 07, 2024, 9:48 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nelg 32 1 18.17 18.19
tatty 22 1 -12.63 -12.5
Johnny 18 1 17.73 17.74
eeZ 16 1 2.86 2.93
koala 12 1 21.87 21.86
morbit 4 1 -49.92 -49.95
Team Blue Magi 28 2 12.47 12.51
solsti 20 2 1.23 1.27
Ninja Potato 20 2 16.84 16.79
jZ 18 2 12.84 12.82
Xobsile 6 2 -36.86 -36.88
zorb 6 2 -21.92 -22.07
🇺🇸 2024-04-04T03:45:22.657Z | Quality: 0.5131
April 03, 2024, 11:45 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Wind 40 1 24.2 24.24
koala 34 1 21.83 21.87
jZ 22 1 12.84 12.84
N 22 1 8.13 8.13
blaze 14 1 -2.05 -2.22
zorb 2 1 -17.97 -21.92
Team Blue Sanity 22 2 4.11 4.14
delinquent 20 2 -9.21 -9.15
Johnny 18 2 17.73 17.73
Nelg 16 2 18.17 18.17
Gazelle 12 2 15.71 15.66
stereo 8 2 -28.91 -29.06
🇺🇸 2024-04-04T03:02:15.486Z | Quality: 0.9753
April 03, 2024, 11:02 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 36 1 24.18 24.2
Ninja Potato 22 1 16.77 16.84
Nelg 18 1 18.15 18.17
delinquent 14 1 -9.29 -9.21
tiberiuskirk 6 1 -21.73 -21.79
N 4 1 8.24 8.13
Team Gold koala 32 2 21.85 21.83
Sanity 22 2 4.09 4.11
rookie 16 2 12.03 12.07
Johnny 14 2 17.78 17.73
blaze 12 2 -1.41 -2.05
Andrei 10 2 17.85 17.75
jZ 0 2 12.84 12.84
🇺🇸 2024-04-03T05:03:41.944Z | Quality: 0.8399
April 03, 2024, 1:03 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Ampz 42 1 27.36 27.37
Nelg 26 1 18.14 18.15
Wind 20 1 24.19 24.18
Gazelle 16 1 15.71 15.71
Johnny 12 1 17.83 17.78
morbit 8 1 -49.89 -49.92
Team Blue Nanu 34 2 21.48 21.49
Andrei 26 2 17.86 17.85
Nate 16 2 15.3 15.3
Force 12 2 10.11 10.01
Sanity 12 2 4.09 4.09
jZ 4 2 12.89 12.84
🇺🇸 2024-04-03T04:27:47.168Z | Quality: 1.0585
April 03, 2024, 12:27 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 44 1 24.17 24.19
Ampz 22 1 27.37 27.36
Nelg 18 1 18.14 18.14
jZ 16 1 12.89 12.89
Gazelle 12 1 15.77 15.71
Sanity 12 1 4.11 4.09
Team Gold Andrei 32 2 17.76 17.86
koala 22 2 21.87 21.85
Johnny 20 2 17.85 17.83
lava 18 2 16.66 16.67
Force 12 2 10.22 10.11
morbit 6 2 -49.78 -49.89
🇺🇸 2024-04-03T03:46:07.651Z | Quality: 0.81
April 02, 2024, 11:46 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Force 34 1 10.16 10.22
Gazelle 30 1 15.66 15.77
Nelg 14 1 18.14 18.14
koala 14 1 21.89 21.87
Agility 12 1 11.83 11.78
morbit 8 1 -49.78 -49.78
Team Gold Ampz 32 2 27.37 27.37
Wind 24 2 24.17 24.17
Sanity 20 2 4.12 4.11
Johnny 20 2 17.85 17.85
Andrei 18 2 17.76 17.76
zorb 2 2 -14.24 -17.97
🇺🇸 2024-03-30T22:14:06.216Z | Quality: 0.6311
March 30, 2024, 6:14 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Ampz 38 1 27.34 27.37
koala 28 1 21.86 21.89
hope 18 1 -8.36 -6.68
delinquent 16 1 -9.29 -9.29
blaze 10 1 -1.31 -1.41
zorb 8 1 -7.14 -14.24
Team Gold G5 26 2 7.03 7.02
Nelg 24 2 18.15 18.14
Nanu 24 2 21.5 21.48
P4 8 2 -1.02 -2.28
Andrei 6 2 17.89 17.76
Syn 4 2 -3.11 -3.79
🇺🇸 2024-03-30T21:33:15.059Z | Quality: 0.328
March 30, 2024, 5:33 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Andrei 38 1 17.79 17.89
Nelg 28 1 18.14 18.15
blaze 26 1 -3.79 -1.31
Syn 18 1 -2.42 -3.11
G5 10 1 7.11 7.03
hope 8 1 -7.27 -8.36
Team Gold Nanu 46 2 21.44 21.5
koala 42 2 21.84 21.86
roter 24 2 7.25 7.2
delinquent 10 2 -9.16 -9.29
P4 10 2 -0.11 -1.02
morbit 4 2 -49.94 -49.78
🇺🇸 2024-03-30T20:12:40.676Z | Quality: 0.8159
March 30, 2024, 4:12 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Gazelle 28 1 15.66 15.66
Ampz 24 1 27.33 27.34
Nelg 24 1 18.15 18.14
Force 22 1 10.12 10.16
G5 10 1 7.06 7.11
P4 4 1 0.45 -0.11
Team Gold koala 26 2 21.86 21.84
Ninja Potato 24 2 16.71 16.77
Nanu 20 2 21.45 21.44
jZ 14 2 12.9 12.89
Sanity 12 2 4.1 4.12
morbit 4 2 -50.11 -49.94
🇺🇸 2024-03-30T19:41:50.03Z | Quality: 0.7769
March 30, 2024, 3:41 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Ampz 26 1 27.32 27.33
Sanity 18 1 4.06 4.1
G5 18 1 6.97 7.06
Andrei 18 1 17.79 17.79
Nanu 14 1 21.47 21.45
Syn 2 1 -2.66 -2.42
Team Gold Force 20 2 10.11 10.12
orly 20 2 10.88 10.82
Gazelle 14 2 15.73 15.66
koala 12 2 21.9 21.86
roter 10 2 7.24 7.25
blaze 2 2 -1.97 -3.79
🇺🇸 2024-03-19T23:12:30.08Z | Quality: 0.9202
March 19, 2024, 7:12 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue orly 28 1 10.64 10.88
Ampz 20 1 27.33 27.32
Andrei 18 1 17.84 17.79
Rudycantfail 16 1 22.02 22.07
Sanity 14 1 4.07 4.06
roter 6 1 7.06 7.24
Team Gold Nelg 28 2 18.15 18.15
Force 16 2 10.16 10.11
koala 14 2 21.92 21.9
ppotter 8 2 11.28 11.02
hope 6 2 -4.67 -7.27
Daya 2 2 -26.44 -26.68
🇺🇸 2024-03-17T05:27:16.487Z | Quality: 0.9997
March 17, 2024, 1:27 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue solsti 36 1 1.15 1.23
Sanity 28 1 3.96 4.07
Wind 20 1 24.19 24.17
eeZ 14 1 2.88 2.86
Daya 14 1 -26.77 -26.44
jZ 10 1 12.91 12.9
Team Gold Nanu 44 2 21.46 21.47
stereo 22 2 -29.4 -28.91
Magi 16 2 12.49 12.47
Xobsile 10 2 -36.83 -36.86
Grimm 6 2 -9.11 -11.6
morbit 4 2 -50.09 -50.11
🇺🇸 2024-03-16T05:36:19.827Z | Quality: 0.3196
March 16, 2024, 1:36 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Sanity 38 1 3.85 3.96
Johnny 28 1 17.83 17.85
jZ 18 1 12.89 12.91
Wind 14 1 24.22 24.19
Daya 12 1 -26.83 -26.77
Grimm 8 1 -8.61 -9.11
Team Gold Magi 24 2 12.47 12.49
Agility 20 2 11.84 11.83
stereo 18 2 -29.47 -29.4
Nelg 18 2 18.16 18.15
eeZ 14 2 2.88 2.88
Xobsile 8 2 -36.79 -36.83
🇺🇸 2024-03-11T03:16:22.285Z | Quality: 0.7708
March 10, 2024, 11:16 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold over 38 1 24.83 25.05
Nelg 24 1 18.15 18.16
Wind 18 1 24.22 24.22
Force 14 1 10.18 10.16
Cookie 14 1 9.09 9.02
tatty 8 1 -12.73 -12.63
Team Blue Nanu 32 2 21.45 21.46
Ninja Potato 22 2 16.68 16.71
Johnny 14 2 17.88 17.83
eeZ 10 2 2.9 2.88
tiberiuskirk 10 2 -21.51 -21.73
jZ 10 2 12.89 12.89
🇺🇸 2024-03-11T02:13:29.687Z | Quality: 0.7737
March 10, 2024, 10:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold jZ 30 1 12.88 12.89
Nanu 26 1 21.43 21.45
Johnny 18 1 17.89 17.88
Force 14 1 10.23 10.18
eeZ 12 1 2.89 2.9
Cookie 10 1 9.22 9.09
Team Blue Gazelle 42 2 15.66 15.73
Ninja Potato 26 2 16.62 16.68
Sanity 16 2 3.82 3.85
Magi 14 2 12.48 12.47
morbit 10 2 -50.14 -50.09
tiberiuskirk 8 2 -21.76 -21.51
🇺🇸 2024-03-10T05:32:04.75Z | Quality: 0.6455
March 10, 2024, 12:32 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue pizza 36 1 15.48 15.55
Cadillac 28 1 11.21 11.59
Daya 14 1 -26.98 -26.83
solsti 14 1 1.13 1.15
eeZ 12 1 2.84 2.89
stereo 4 1 -29.22 -29.47
Nanu 2 1 21.46 21.43
Team Gold jZ 34 2 12.84 12.88
Sanity 24 2 3.78 3.82
Grimm 12 2 -8.04 -8.61
morbit 12 2 -50.31 -50.14
Wind 8 2 24.27 24.22
Xobsile 2 2 -36.74 -36.79
🇺🇸 2024-03-10T04:56:22.209Z | Quality: 0.5753
March 09, 2024, 11:56 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Wind 46 1 24.21 24.27
jZ 32 1 12.79 12.84
Cadillac 32 1 10.88 11.21
morbit 10 1 -50.39 -50.31
Grimm 2 1 -6.38 -8.04
Xobsile 2 1 -36.81 -36.74
Team Blue Sanity 28 2 3.72 3.78
Gazelle 24 2 15.65 15.66
pizza 22 2 15.46 15.48
solsti 18 2 1.06 1.13
Daya 12 2 -26.63 -26.98
stereo 2 2 -29.23 -29.22
🇺🇸 2024-03-09T05:43:01.51Z | Quality: 0.3857
March 09, 2024, 12:43 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Johnny 30 1 17.87 17.89
tatty 20 1 -12.98 -12.73
pizza 20 1 15.46 15.46
Nanu 18 1 21.46 21.46
jZ 14 1 12.79 12.79
Daya 4 1 -27.27 -26.63
Team Gold Rudycantfail 24 2 22.12 22.02
Wind 24 2 24.23 24.21
apple 22 2 21.78 21.84
eeZ 20 2 2.8 2.84
morbit 14 2 -50.71 -50.39
solsti 8 2 1.07 1.06
🇺🇸 2024-03-09T05:05:29.452Z | Quality: 0.9028
March 09, 2024, 12:05 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold apple 22 1 21.63 21.78
Nanu 20 1 21.45 21.46
Rudycantfail 18 1 22.18 22.12
Johnny 18 1 17.88 17.87
eeZ 12 1 2.77 2.8
solsti 10 1 1.06 1.07
Team Blue Wind 22 2 24.25 24.23
koala 20 2 21.93 21.92
jZ 12 2 12.83 12.79
pizza 8 2 15.49 15.46
tatty 8 2 -12.85 -12.98
morbit 0 2 -50.57 -50.71
🇺🇸 2024-03-08T02:32:41.263Z | Quality: 0.457
March 07, 2024, 9:32 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Ninja Potato 30 1 16.54 16.62
Johnny 28 1 17.83 17.88
Illusion 18 1 5.93 6
Cadillac 16 1 11.1 10.88
delinquent 16 1 -9.29 -9.16
solsti 12 1 1.06 1.06
Team Gold thxmp 32 2 10.02 10.07
Magi 24 2 12.45 12.48
pizza 20 2 15.51 15.49
Sanity 12 2 3.76 3.72
Nanu 12 2 21.47 21.45
morbit 2 2 -50.5 -50.57
🇺🇸 2024-02-29T03:50:35.78Z | Quality: 0.3499
February 28, 2024, 10:50 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold delinquent 20 1 -9.57 -9.29
Johnny 20 1 17.84 17.83
Sanity 18 1 3.73 3.76
Force 18 1 10.2 10.23
Cadillac 16 1 11 11.1
Ninja Potato 10 1 16.6 16.54
morbit 2 1 -50.55 -50.5
Team Blue Wind 30 2 24.25 24.25
koala 24 2 21.92 21.93
N 16 2 8.29 8.24
tiberiuskirk 14 2 -22 -21.76
Nelg 12 2 18.16 18.15
Daya 8 2 -27.33 -27.27
🇺🇸 2024-02-27T06:32:31.51Z | Quality: 0.445
February 27, 2024, 1:32 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue koala 30 1 21.9 21.92
eeZ 22 1 2.71 2.77
Nanu 20 1 21.49 21.47
jZ 20 1 12.82 12.83
Daya 16 1 -27.58 -27.33
G5 8 1 7.01 6.97
Team Gold Johnny 36 2 17.81 17.84
Wind 24 2 24.26 24.25
Nelg 20 2 18.15 18.16
Sanity 12 2 3.7 3.73
stereo 12 2 -29.24 -29.23
Eskimo 10 2 -54.82 -54.87
🇺🇸 2024-02-26T05:42:47.276Z | Quality: 0.4491
February 26, 2024, 12:42 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Johnny 26 1 17.77 17.81
Nelg 24 1 18.12 18.15
eeZ 16 1 2.71 2.71
tatty 14 1 -13.01 -12.85
lava 14 1 16.67 16.66
Daya 10 1 -27.89 -27.58
stereo 0 1 -29.45 -29.24
Team Gold koala 26 2 21.91 21.9
Nanu 20 2 21.51 21.49
Sanity 18 2 3.7 3.7
jZ 12 2 12.84 12.82
morbit 8 2 -50.58 -50.55
Xobsile 6 2 -36.81 -36.81
🇺🇸 2024-02-26T04:56:22.772Z | Quality: 0.4068
February 25, 2024, 11:56 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue jZ 30 1 12.8 12.84
Johnny 26 1 17.75 17.77
Nanu 20 1 21.5 21.51
eeZ 16 1 2.66 2.71
morbit 6 1 -50.73 -50.58
Daya 6 1 -27.76 -27.89
Team Gold wolf 32 2 22.8 22.75
Nelg 20 2 18.12 18.12
tatty 18 2 -13.27 -13.01
koala 16 2 21.93 21.91
Sanity 10 2 3.73 3.7
Xobsile 6 2 -36.8 -36.81
🇺🇸 2024-02-26T04:11:54.313Z | Quality: 0.4365
February 25, 2024, 11:11 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold thxmp 32 1 9.88 10.02
Johnny 30 1 17.72 17.75
koala 18 1 21.96 21.93
eeZ 14 1 2.66 2.66
pizza 10 1 15.53 15.51
Eskimo 4 1 -54.83 -54.82
Team Blue wolf 30 2 22.65 22.8
Wind 30 2 24.26 24.26
Sanity 22 2 3.71 3.73
morbit 14 2 -50.8 -50.73
jZ 14 2 12.79 12.8
Ninja Potato 6 2 16.75 16.6
🇺🇸 2024-02-26T03:36:01.871Z | Quality: 0.4617
February 25, 2024, 10:36 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue pizza 32 1 15.49 15.53
Wind 26 1 24.25 24.26
wolf 16 1 22.93 22.65
Johnny 14 1 17.69 17.72
eeZ 6 1 2.67 2.66
morbit 6 1 -50.87 -50.8
Team Gold thxmp 22 2 9.84 9.88
koala 20 2 21.97 21.96
Sanity 18 2 3.69 3.71
Nelg 16 2 18.12 18.12
Daya 12 2 -28.05 -27.76
Eskimo 10 2 -55.22 -54.83
🇺🇸 2024-02-25T22:46:49.54Z | Quality: 0.6684
February 25, 2024, 5:46 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue pizza 40 1 15.42 15.49
koala 32 1 21.95 21.97
Ampz 24 1 27.34 27.33
Force 8 1 10.3 10.2
Xobsile 8 1 -36.77 -36.8
delinquent 4 1 -9.53 -9.57
Nelg 2 1 18.12 18.12
Team Gold wolf 40 2 22.88 22.93
Nanu 22 2 21.51 21.5
jericho 20 2 10.07 10.1
Sanity 14 2 3.72 3.69
dgm 10 2 18.48 18.15
tatty 2 2 -13.06 -13.27
🇺🇸 2024-02-25T22:07:51.077Z | Quality: 0.891
February 25, 2024, 5:07 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Force 30 1 10.18 10.3
Ampz 28 1 27.34 27.34
koala 20 1 21.92 21.95
Magi 12 1 12.49 12.45
wolf 12 1 23.29 22.88
delinquent 10 1 -9.46 -9.53
Team Blue Nanu 28 2 21.51 21.51
jericho 20 2 10.07 10.07
dgm 18 2 18.55 18.48
Sanity 12 2 3.75 3.72
Nelg 10 2 18.15 18.12
tatty 10 2 -13.17 -13.06
🇺🇸 2024-02-25T06:25:58.725Z | Quality: 0.4463
February 25, 2024, 1:25 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue lava 40 1 16.55 16.67
Nanu 36 1 21.49 21.51
tatty 16 1 -13.4 -13.17
jZ 10 1 12.79 12.79
eeZ 6 1 2.72 2.67
solsti 4 1 1.04 1.06
Team Gold pizza 34 2 15.38 15.42
Wind 24 2 24.26 24.25
Johnny 16 2 17.7 17.69
Sanity 14 2 3.78 3.75
Xobsile 4 2 -36.88 -36.77
stereo 4 2 -29.16 -29.45
🇺🇸 2024-02-24T20:53:36.343Z | Quality: 0.4325
February 24, 2024, 3:53 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Magi 32 1 12.43 12.49
Nanu 30 1 21.47 21.49
G5 16 1 6.93 7.01
Johnny 16 1 17.74 17.7
stereo 14 1 -29.11 -29.16
Sanity 10 1 3.79 3.78
Team Gold Wind 34 2 24.25 24.26
birdy 18 2 4.54 6.8
Nelg 18 2 18.16 18.15
Word 14 2 -4.51 -2.54
jericho 12 2 10.19 10.07
tatty 12 2 -13.15 -13.4
🇺🇸 2024-02-24T20:10:36.772Z | Quality: 0.7429
February 24, 2024, 3:10 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nelg 34 1 18.15 18.16
raph 32 1 14.09 14.65
NoBrain 18 1 12.49 12.43
Wind 16 1 24.27 24.25
Word 12 1 -4.25 -4.51
G5 6 1 6.98 6.93
Team Gold Johnny 40 2 17.69 17.74
pizza 22 2 15.38 15.38
jZ 16 2 12.81 12.79
Sanity 12 2 3.75 3.79
Daya 10 2 -28 -28.05
koala 10 2 21.96 21.92
🇺🇸 2024-02-24T19:18:00.821Z | Quality: 0.3552
February 24, 2024, 2:18 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold raph 38 1 13.52 14.09
pizza 30 1 15.36 15.38
delinquent 24 1 -9.58 -9.46
Johnny 14 1 17.73 17.69
G5 12 1 6.95 6.98
stereo 2 1 -29.06 -29.11
Team Blue koala 26 2 21.94 21.96
NoBrain 24 2 12.31 12.49
Nelg 22 2 18.16 18.15
Sanity 18 2 3.72 3.75
jZ 12 2 12.83 12.81
morbit 6 2 -50.78 -50.87
🇺🇸 2024-02-23T06:39:05.694Z | Quality: 0.4487
February 23, 2024, 1:39 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue pizza 32 1 15.35 15.36
Ampz 28 1 27.33 27.34
Wind 20 1 24.27 24.27
eeZ 14 1 2.7 2.72
Eskimo 12 1 -55.24 -55.22
Xobsile 8 1 -36.84 -36.88
Team Gold lava 30 2 16.51 16.55
G5 24 2 6.89 6.95
Force 22 2 10.15 10.18
Nelg 22 2 18.17 18.16
morbit 14 2 -50.87 -50.78
Sanity 12 2 3.73 3.72
🇺🇸 2024-02-23T05:52:55.147Z | Quality: 0.921
February 23, 2024, 12:52 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold pizza 28 1 15.33 15.35
Wind 26 1 24.25 24.27
koala 20 1 21.95 21.94
Force 18 1 10.13 10.15
Sanity 12 1 3.76 3.73
Eskimo 8 1 -55.11 -55.24
Team Blue Ampz 40 2 27.32 27.33
apple 26 2 21.69 21.63
Nelg 22 2 18.16 18.17
Johnny 18 2 17.74 17.73
eeZ 12 2 2.73 2.7
solsti 12 2 1.08 1.04
🇺🇸 2024-02-23T03:37:00.351Z | Quality: 0.4138
February 22, 2024, 10:37 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Ampz 38 1 27.31 27.32
N 30 1 8.18 8.29
Ninja Potato 26 1 16.73 16.75
Xobsile 12 1 -36.88 -36.84
Sanity 12 1 3.76 3.76
tiberiuskirk 6 1 -21.93 -22
Team Blue pizza 30 2 15.3 15.33
koala 26 2 21.92 21.95
jZ 22 2 12.84 12.83
Force 12 2 10.23 10.13
Eskimo 12 2 -54.99 -55.11
Daya 12 2 -27.84 -28
🇺🇸 2024-02-23T00:37:56.186Z | Quality: 0.8477
February 22, 2024, 7:37 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 34 1 24.22 24.25
koala 28 1 21.91 21.92
over 24 1 25.42 24.83
Coco 22 1 16.53 16.36
rookie 12 1 12.18 12.03
morbit 6 1 -50.7 -50.87
Team Gold Nanu 28 2 21.47 21.47
Ampz 26 2 27.31 27.31
tiberiuskirk 18 2 -21.86 -21.93
Cadillac 12 2 11.27 11
P4 10 2 0.95 0.45
Andrei 10 2 17.93 17.84
pizza 6 2 15.33 15.3
🇺🇸 2024-02-21T19:55:49.053Z | Quality: 0.9353
February 21, 2024, 2:55 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Ampz 30 1 27.31 27.31
Andrei 20 1 17.88 17.93
Gazelle 16 1 15.64 15.65
roter 14 1 7.01 7.06
jericho 10 1 10.2 10.19
N 6 1 8.22 8.18
Team Gold Nanu 26 2 21.47 21.47
koala 24 2 21.92 21.91
olive 18 2 11.39 11.45
Nelg 18 2 18.18 18.16
ppotter 16 2 11.35 11.28
G5 0 2 7.03 6.89
🇺🇸 2024-02-21T18:26:14.789Z | Quality: 0.4431
February 21, 2024, 1:26 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue koala 28 1 21.92 21.92
Andrei 26 1 17.81 17.88
G5 20 1 6.9 7.03
pizza 16 1 15.33 15.33
Sanity 16 1 3.74 3.76
morbit 2 1 -50.6 -50.7
Team Gold Ampz 26 2 27.33 27.31
N 24 2 8.18 8.22
jericho 14 2 10.24 10.2
Nelg 12 2 18.18 18.18
Daya 8 2 -27.43 -27.84
P4 6 2 1.59 0.95
🇺🇸 2024-02-21T17:44:25.762Z | Quality: 0.597
February 21, 2024, 12:44 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Andrei 28 1 17.73 17.81
jericho 24 1 10.21 10.24
olive 24 1 11.27 11.39
G5 20 1 6.87 6.9
Sanity 14 1 3.74 3.74
N 6 1 8.21 8.18
Team Gold Ampz 34 2 27.33 27.33
pizza 24 2 15.32 15.33
koala 24 2 21.92 21.92
orly 20 2 10.63 10.64
P4 10 2 1.58 1.59
morbit 8 2 -50.6 -50.6
🇺🇸 2024-02-21T03:26:24.192Z | Quality: 0.9088
February 20, 2024, 10:26 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 30 1 24.19 24.22
Johnny 26 1 17.72 17.74
thxmp 24 1 9.78 9.84
tatty 20 1 -13.43 -13.15
Sanity 14 1 3.76 3.74
Xobsile 2 1 -36.88 -36.88
Daya 0 1 -27.28 -27.43
Team Gold koala 40 2 21.89 21.92
Nelg 28 2 18.17 18.18
N 18 2 8.21 8.21
Eskimo 10 2 -54.82 -54.99
pizza 8 2 15.33 15.32
stereo 8 2 -29.11 -29.06
morbit 8 2 -50.54 -50.6
🇺🇸 2024-02-21T02:08:55.581Z | Quality: 0.3362
February 20, 2024, 9:08 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold olive 42 1 10.69 11.27
koala 30 1 21.86 21.89
Nanu 14 1 21.49 21.47
Daya 12 1 -27.33 -27.28
Sanity 10 1 3.79 3.76
delinquent 10 1 -9.56 -9.58
Team Blue Magi 36 2 12.4 12.43
Johnny 32 2 17.69 17.72
Ampz 22 2 27.34 27.33
thxmp 16 2 9.78 9.78
Eskimo 6 2 -54.72 -54.82
Mikemacx 4 2 -6.11 -6.61
🇺🇸 2024-02-20T03:57:27.295Z | Quality: 0.571
February 19, 2024, 10:57 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 26 1 24.17 24.19
Nelg 26 1 18.16 18.17
Johnny 20 1 17.72 17.69
Cookie 18 1 9.34 9.22
thxmp 14 1 9.78 9.78
Daya 14 1 -27.44 -27.33
Team Gold lava 40 2 16.42 16.51
Nanu 26 2 21.48 21.49
N 24 2 8.16 8.21
eeZ 16 2 2.75 2.73
Sanity 16 2 3.78 3.79
Eskimo 2 2 -54.64 -54.72
🇺🇸 2024-02-20T03:13:36.019Z | Quality: 0.3494
February 19, 2024, 10:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nelg 56 1 18.14 18.16
koala 24 1 21.86 21.86
Sanity 20 1 3.74 3.78
eeZ 12 1 2.72 2.75
Cadillac 8 1 11.76 11.27
Eskimo 4 1 -54.75 -54.64
Team Blue Nanu 30 2 21.48 21.48
delinquent 24 2 -9.73 -9.56
Johnny 22 2 17.7 17.72
pizza 20 2 15.33 15.33
Cookie 14 2 9.53 9.34
Daya 10 2 -27.33 -27.44
🇺🇸 2024-02-20T02:30:46.41Z | Quality: 0.4281
February 19, 2024, 9:30 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nelg 32 1 18.12 18.14
eeZ 28 1 2.6 2.72
lava 22 1 16.38 16.42
Cadillac 22 1 11.6 11.76
pizza 14 1 15.35 15.33
Daya 0 1 -26.84 -27.33
Team Gold Magi 30 2 12.38 12.4
Coco 30 2 16.19 16.53
koala 24 2 21.84 21.86
jfacas 14 2 -3.35 -3.48
delinquent 6 2 -9.6 -9.73
Eskimo 0 2 -54.62 -54.75
🇺🇸 2024-02-20T00:26:16.225Z | Quality: 0.313
February 19, 2024, 7:26 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold N 26 1 8.07 8.16
jfacas 22 1 -3.57 -3.35
lava 22 1 16.39 16.38
Nelg 22 1 18.11 18.12
Capone 20 1 15.87 17.03
Eskimo 14 1 -54.58 -54.62
Team Blue koala 36 2 21.82 21.84
Agility 28 2 11.73 11.84
Magi 26 2 12.38 12.38
Sanity 16 2 3.75 3.74
delinquent 8 2 -9.61 -9.6
Daya 4 2 -26.57 -26.84
🇺🇸 2024-02-19T01:38:08.199Z | Quality: 0.6087
February 18, 2024, 8:38 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Ampz 42 1 27.32 27.34
Nelg 26 1 18.1 18.11
koala 24 1 21.79 21.82
Sanity 16 1 3.76 3.75
morbit 8 1 -50.65 -50.54
tiberiuskirk 2 1 -21.6 -21.86
Juest 0 1 -39.52 -41.07
Team Blue Force 36 2 10.08 10.23
Magi 20 2 12.42 12.38
Nanu 14 2 21.49 21.48
Cadillac 14 2 12.03 11.6
Monkey 10 2 3.23 3.17
Mikemacx 10 2 -6.06 -6.11
🇺🇸 2024-02-19T00:50:19.113Z | Quality: 0.6819
February 18, 2024, 7:50 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nanu 28 1 21.49 21.49
Mikemacx 22 1 -6.48 -6.06
Magi 22 1 12.36 12.42
Wind 20 1 24.18 24.17
Force 20 1 10.07 10.08
Monkey 8 1 3.28 3.23
Team Blue koala 34 2 21.74 21.79
Cadillac 26 2 12.06 12.03
Ampz 22 2 27.33 27.32
Sanity 22 2 3.73 3.76
morbit 4 2 -50.5 -50.65
Juest 0 2 -35.84 -39.52
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T23:59:14.768Z | Quality: 0.8065
February 18, 2024, 6:59 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 28 1 24.16 24.18
Ampz 22 1 27.34 27.33
orly 18 1 10.76 10.63
jZ 14 1 12.85 12.84
delinquent 14 1 -9.71 -9.61
Cadillac 14 1 11.97 12.06
Team Gold pizza 34 2 15.33 15.35
koala 26 2 21.75 21.74
Nanu 16 2 21.5 21.49
Juest 12 2 -37.06 -35.84
jericho 10 2 10.39 10.21
Force 10 2 10.1 10.07
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T23:07:39.718Z | Quality: 0.7653
February 18, 2024, 6:07 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold koala 26 1 21.73 21.75
jZ 22 1 12.85 12.85
ppotter 22 1 11.25 11.35
pizza 20 1 15.34 15.33
jericho 16 1 10.48 10.39
eeZ 8 1 2.62 2.6
Team Blue Ampz 32 2 27.34 27.34
delinquent 24 2 -9.89 -9.71
Force 24 2 10.07 10.1
Nanu 18 2 21.52 21.5
Nate 14 2 15.37 15.3
Juest 2 2 -32.95 -37.06
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T22:16:38.926Z | Quality: 0.7492
February 18, 2024, 5:16 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 36 1 21.51 21.52
Nelg 26 1 18.1 18.1
ppotter 26 1 11.14 11.25
eeZ 14 1 2.63 2.62
Sanity 14 1 3.73 3.73
Nate 8 1 15.45 15.37
Team Gold pizza 40 2 15.29 15.34
Force 20 2 10.06 10.07
jericho 18 2 10.55 10.48
lava 16 2 16.45 16.39
jZ 16 2 12.87 12.85
Juest 2 2 -32 -32.95
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T21:35:32.536Z | Quality: 0.8343
February 18, 2024, 4:35 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 30 1 24.15 24.16
N 26 1 8.03 8.07
apple 24 1 21.88 21.69
ppotter 18 1 11.12 11.14
eeZ 14 1 2.62 2.63
jZ 10 1 12.89 12.87
Team Gold Nanu 38 2 21.5 21.51
koala 32 2 21.71 21.73
morbit 14 2 -50.64 -50.5
Andrei 14 2 17.76 17.73
Magi 14 2 12.43 12.36
Sanity 6 2 3.75 3.73
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T03:19:05.446Z | Quality: 0.542
February 17, 2024, 10:19 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 32 1 21.48 21.5
koala 24 1 21.69 21.71
roter 16 1 6.88 7.01
jericho 14 1 10.64 10.55
tatty 14 1 -13.53 -13.43
Sanity 6 1 3.78 3.75
Team Gold Force 30 2 9.96 10.06
Nelg 26 2 18.09 18.1
Ampz 24 2 27.35 27.34
morbit 12 2 -50.59 -50.64
lava 10 2 16.56 16.45
Monkey 10 2 3.25 3.28
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T02:28:39.287Z | Quality: 0.3645
February 17, 2024, 9:28 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Ampz 36 1 27.33 27.35
Nanu 34 1 21.45 21.48
Sanity 22 1 3.74 3.78
Nelg 14 1 18.09 18.09
morbit 6 1 -50.48 -50.59
Juest 6 1 -29.25 -32
Team Gold koala 26 2 21.7 21.69
jericho 18 2 10.71 10.64
Monkey 18 2 3.25 3.25
Andrei 16 2 17.79 17.76
Daya 12 2 -26.4 -26.57
tatty 4 2 -13.29 -13.53
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T01:16:57.441Z | Quality: 0.3647
February 17, 2024, 8:16 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nanu 50 1 21.4 21.45
jericho 28 1 10.66 10.71
delinquent 20 1 -10.02 -9.89
Andrei 20 1 17.81 17.79
Daya 10 1 -25.99 -26.4
pizza 8 1 15.31 15.29
Team Blue Ampz 40 2 27.33 27.33
koala 38 2 21.68 21.7
Nelg 32 2 18.09 18.09
Sanity 6 2 3.79 3.74
Mikemacx 6 2 -6.01 -6.48
morbit 6 2 -50.35 -50.48
🇺🇸 2024-02-18T00:23:31.307Z | Quality: 0.374
February 17, 2024, 7:23 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold koala 36 1 21.65 21.68
Sanity 32 1 3.73 3.79
Magi 26 1 12.44 12.43
Ninja Potato 22 1 16.71 16.73
G5 12 1 6.87 6.87
Xobsile 2 1 -36.61 -36.88
Team Blue Force 48 2 9.76 9.96
Ampz 28 2 27.34 27.33
jericho 16 2 10.7 10.66
Andrei 14 2 17.89 17.81
Daya 12 2 -26.15 -25.99
delinquent 4 2 -9.83 -10.02
🇺🇸 2024-02-17T23:34:36.633Z | Quality: 0.409
February 17, 2024, 6:34 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Force 26 1 9.7 9.76
koala 24 1 21.63 21.65
Ampz 22 1 27.34 27.34
morbit 16 1 -50.57 -50.35
jericho 10 1 10.83 10.7
G5 10 1 6.86 6.87
Team Gold Nelg 24 2 18.09 18.09
ppotter 24 2 11.11 11.12
Andrei 24 2 17.91 17.89
Magi 14 2 12.5 12.44
Sanity 6 2 3.74 3.73
Xobsile 2 2 -36.51 -36.61
🇺🇸 2024-02-17T23:05:58.7Z | Quality: 0.4711
February 17, 2024, 6:05 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Ampz 34 1 27.32 27.34
Nelg 28 1 18.07 18.09
koala 20 1 21.63 21.63
jericho 16 1 10.7 10.83
morbit 8 1 -50.68 -50.57
G5 4 1 6.86 6.86
Team Gold Sanity 16 2 3.77 3.74
Magi 16 2 12.54 12.5
Andrei 16 2 17.99 17.91
Force 12 2 9.79 9.7
Nanu 10 2 21.41 21.4
Xobsile 4 2 -36.37 -36.51
🇺🇸 2024-02-17T22:20:23.072Z | Quality: 0.4532
February 17, 2024, 5:20 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 32 1 21.41 21.41
Johnny 28 1 17.69 17.7
Nelg 18 1 18.06 18.07
Sanity 14 1 3.77 3.77
koala 10 1 21.64 21.63
morbit 8 1 -50.72 -50.68
Team Gold Magi 32 2 12.49 12.54
Wind 30 2 24.16 24.15
Force 16 2 9.79 9.79
jericho 10 2 10.92 10.7
birdy 10 2 6.81 4.54
Xobsile 8 2 -36.48 -36.37
🇺🇸 2024-02-17T21:35:34.302Z | Quality: 0.4875
February 17, 2024, 4:35 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue koala 32 1 21.64 21.64
Sanity 28 1 3.66 3.77
Nanu 20 1 21.39 21.41
Johnny 18 1 17.72 17.69
jZ 12 1 12.89 12.89
Xobsile 4 1 -36.34 -36.48
Team Gold Force 30 2 9.73 9.79
Magi 28 2 12.46 12.49
Gazelle 18 2 15.69 15.64
pizza 10 2 15.32 15.31
Daya 6 2 -26 -26.15
Wind 6 2 24.2 24.16
morbit 4 2 -50.74 -50.72
Nelg 2 2 18.06 18.06
🇺🇸 2024-02-17T05:40:56.171Z | Quality: 0.5083
February 17, 2024, 12:40 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Ampz 46 1 27.28 27.32
Wind 24 1 24.21 24.2
jZ 16 1 12.89 12.89
Agility 16 1 11.71 11.73
pizza 10 1 15.35 15.32
Eskimo 8 1 -54.53 -54.58
Team Blue Nelg 30 2 18.05 18.06
Andrei 28 2 17.93 17.99
koala 18 2 21.66 21.64
thxmp 12 2 9.85 9.78
tiberiuskirk 12 2 -21.83 -21.6
eeZ 6 2 2.62 2.62
Daya 4 2 -25.48 -26
🇺🇸 2024-02-17T01:38:15.562Z | Quality: 0.4246
February 16, 2024, 8:38 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nanu 44 1 21.36 21.39
koala 38 1 21.64 21.66
Nelg 18 1 18.05 18.05
Mikemacx 14 1 -6.35 -6.01
roter 14 1 6.98 6.88
Juest 0 1 -25.67 -29.25
Team Blue Monkey 24 2 3.27 3.25
jfacas 20 2 -4.24 -3.57
Cadillac 18 2 11.98 11.97
tatty 16 2 -13.38 -13.29
olive 16 2 10.73 10.69
Magi 12 2 12.48 12.46
🇺🇸 2024-02-17T00:34:37.262Z | Quality: 0.4936
February 16, 2024, 7:34 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue olive 32 1 9.91 10.73
pizza 26 1 15.35 15.35
Nanu 16 1 21.37 21.36
Cadillac 14 1 12.12 11.98
solsti 8 1 1.03 1.08
tatty 8 1 -13.48 -13.38
Team Gold Magi 30 2 12.46 12.48
orly 26 2 10.72 10.76
koala 14 2 21.67 21.64
jfacas 10 2 -4.35 -4.24
delinquent 6 2 -9.69 -9.83
Mikemacx 4 2 -6.07 -6.35
🇺🇸 2024-02-16T04:13:03.072Z | Quality: 0.3127
February 15, 2024, 11:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue tatty 26 1 -13.68 -13.48
Nelg 26 1 18.06 18.05
jZ 24 1 12.88 12.89
N 22 1 7.92 8.03
Ninja Potato 18 1 16.69 16.71
morbit 10 1 -50.73 -50.74
Team Gold Wind 36 2 24.2 24.21
Sanity 34 2 3.58 3.66
Daya 22 2 -25.82 -25.48
slov 16 2 0 -4.07
koala 16 2 21.67 21.67
Xobsile 4 2 -36.08 -36.34
🇺🇸 2024-02-16T03:25:38.093Z | Quality: 0.5262
February 15, 2024, 10:25 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 32 1 21.33 21.37
koala 26 1 21.65 21.67
Nelg 24 1 18.04 18.06
N 16 1 7.9 7.92
tatty 4 1 -13.65 -13.68
Eskimo 2 1 -54.4 -54.53
Team Gold lava 34 2 16.53 16.56
Sanity 30 2 3.54 3.58
Ninja Potato 10 2 16.81 16.69
Force 10 2 9.83 9.73
Xobsile 6 2 -36.11 -36.08
morbit 4 2 -50.69 -50.73
🇺🇸 2024-02-16T02:43:11.597Z | Quality: 0.4804
February 15, 2024, 9:43 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue apple 32 1 21.85 21.88
Sanity 30 1 3.46 3.54
Nanu 30 1 21.32 21.33
Xobsile 10 1 -36.31 -36.11
N 8 1 7.91 7.9
Nelg 8 1 18.05 18.04
morbit 6 1 -50.77 -50.69
Team Gold koala 30 2 21.64 21.65
thxmp 24 2 9.76 9.85
Force 22 2 9.82 9.83
Monkey 18 2 3.27 3.27
Daya 10 2 -25.37 -25.82
Eskimo 4 2 -54.23 -54.4
🇺🇸 2024-02-16T01:58:32.798Z | Quality: 0.4346
February 15, 2024, 8:58 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue apple 30 1 21.71 21.85
koala 28 1 21.6 21.64
Monkey 20 1 3.19 3.27
Sanity 14 1 3.44 3.46
morbit 10 1 -50.76 -50.77
Force 10 1 9.86 9.82
Team Gold Ampz 28 2 27.29 27.28
Nanu 26 2 21.32 21.32
N 22 2 7.89 7.91
Magi 16 2 12.49 12.46
Xobsile 2 2 -36.26 -36.31
Eskimo 2 2 -54.15 -54.23
🇺🇸 2024-02-16T01:18:47.652Z | Quality: 0.4418
February 15, 2024, 8:18 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 38 1 21.31 21.32
Magi 26 1 12.47 12.49
Ampz 24 1 27.28 27.29
Monkey 16 1 3.16 3.19
Nelg 14 1 18.06 18.05
Eskimo 4 1 -54.2 -54.15
Team Gold lava 32 2 16.47 16.53
orly 24 2 10.7 10.72
koala 14 2 21.62 21.6
N 12 2 7.98 7.89
Force 10 2 9.92 9.86
morbit 8 2 -50.75 -50.76
🇺🇸 2024-02-16T00:26:32.839Z | Quality: 0.5531
February 15, 2024, 7:26 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 30 1 21.28 21.31
P4 22 1 -0.86 1.58
Ampz 18 1 27.3 27.28
Nelg 18 1 18.05 18.06
morbit 8 1 -50.9 -50.75
Force 4 1 10.03 9.92
Team Gold orly 20 2 10.79 10.7
delinquent 16 2 -9.7 -9.69
olive 16 2 9.94 9.91
pizza 14 2 15.37 15.35
koala 8 2 21.66 21.62
jfacas 8 2 -4.32 -4.35
Sanity 2 2 3.44 3.44
🇺🇸 2024-02-15T22:54:07.349Z | Quality: 0.2798
February 15, 2024, 5:54 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue lava 34 1 16.34 16.47
delinquent 20 1 -9.81 -9.7
koala 20 1 21.64 21.66
roter 18 1 7.07 6.98
thxmp 14 1 9.72 9.76
Daya 6 1 -25.59 -25.37
Team Gold Force 32 2 9.96 10.03
Nanu 30 2 21.29 21.28
Monkey 12 2 3.2 3.16
tiberiuskirk 8 2 -21.63 -21.83
P4 8 2 -0.55 -0.86
G5 4 2 6.86 6.86
🇺🇸 2024-02-15T19:55:33.677Z | Quality: 0.6539
February 15, 2024, 2:55 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nanu 32 1 21.26 21.29
lava 30 1 16.25 16.34
NoBrain 24 1 11.37 12.31
G5 12 1 6.84 6.86
P4 6 1 -1.61 -0.55
Xobsile 2 1 -36.35 -36.26
Team Blue ppotter 20 2 11.24 11.11
Sanity 16 2 3.44 3.44
delinquent 8 2 -9.75 -9.81
Daya 6 2 -25.48 -25.59
raph 6 2 14.15 13.52
morbit 2 2 -50.88 -50.9
🇺🇸 2024-02-14T06:37:56.749Z | Quality: 0.4698
February 14, 2024, 1:37 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Johnny 28 1 17.7 17.72
lava 26 1 16.17 16.25
Wind 14 1 24.21 24.2
Nelg 12 1 18.05 18.05
stereo 10 1 -29.74 -29.11
tatty 10 1 -13.97 -13.65
eeZ 8 1 2.64 2.62
Team Gold Nate 20 2 15.38 15.45
Nanu 18 2 21.27 21.26
Sanity 16 2 3.43 3.44
Daya 10 2 -25.65 -25.48
G5 10 2 6.85 6.84
Xobsile 6 2 -36.37 -36.35
🇺🇸 2024-02-14T05:49:04.015Z | Quality: 0.5645
February 14, 2024, 12:49 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold lava 36 1 16.03 16.17
Daya 24 1 -26.92 -25.65
Nate 14 1 15.3 15.38
Sanity 12 1 3.39 3.43
thxmp 10 1 9.73 9.72
stereo 8 1 -29.84 -29.74
Team Blue Nanu 34 2 21.27 21.27
Magi 20 2 12.49 12.47
Wind 20 2 24.23 24.21
tatty 6 2 -13.69 -13.97
Xobsile 0 2 -36.34 -36.37
morbit 0 2 -50.86 -50.88
🇺🇸 2024-02-14T05:17:44.062Z | Quality: 0.7158
February 14, 2024, 12:17 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 38 1 21.24 21.27
tatty 26 1 -14.03 -13.69
jZ 20 1 12.88 12.88
Eskimo 14 1 -54.4 -54.2
thxmp 14 1 9.78 9.73
Xobsile 10 1 -36.23 -36.34
Team Gold Wind 58 2 24.18 24.23
Nelg 24 2 18.05 18.05
morbit 20 2 -51.05 -50.86
Sanity 20 2 3.39 3.39
Daya 12 2 -26.92 -26.92
stereo 4 2 -29.61 -29.84
🇺🇸 2024-02-13T19:13:05.881Z | Quality: 0.4756
February 13, 2024, 2:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Andrei 34 1 17.83 17.93
Ampz 30 1 27.3 27.3
Nelg 20 1 18.06 18.05
Nate 14 1 15.33 15.3
G5 14 1 6.83 6.85
morbit 8 1 -51.05 -51.05
Team Blue Gazelle 28 2 15.67 15.69
Nanu 28 2 21.23 21.24
koala 20 2 21.64 21.64
P4 16 2 -1.53 -1.61
Sanity 12 2 3.38 3.39
Daya 6 2 -26.53 -26.92
stereo 0 2 -29.47 -29.61
🇺🇸 2024-02-13T18:13:57.883Z | Quality: 0.571
February 13, 2024, 1:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue orly 32 1 10.59 10.79
lava 30 1 15.95 16.03
G5 26 1 6.76 6.83
roter 18 1 6.97 7.07
pizza 16 1 15.39 15.37
P4 8 1 -0.78 -1.53
Team Gold Ampz 32 2 27.3 27.3
Sanity 28 2 3.34 3.38
Nanu 28 2 21.22 21.23
stereo 6 2 -29.43 -29.47
delinquent 6 2 -9.61 -9.75
morbit 4 2 -50.87 -51.05
🇺🇸 2024-02-13T05:30:00.003Z | Quality: 0.6358
February 13, 2024, 12:30 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nate 42 1 15.05 15.33
Gazelle 28 1 15.62 15.67
jZ 20 1 12.87 12.88
Eskimo 16 1 -54.61 -54.4
Nanu 8 1 21.24 21.22
stereo 4 1 -28.96 -29.43
Daya 0 1 -26.63 -26.53
Team Blue Wind 26 2 24.18 24.18
Nelg 24 2 18.05 18.06
Sanity 22 2 3.3 3.34
pizza 16 2 15.41 15.39
eeZ 12 2 2.69 2.64
morbit 8 2 -50.79 -50.87
🇺🇸 2024-02-13T04:50:42.003Z | Quality: 0.4216
February 12, 2024, 11:50 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Johnny 28 1 17.66 17.7
Wind 26 1 24.14 24.18
Nelg 14 1 18.05 18.05
morbit 14 1 -51.11 -50.79
pizza 12 1 15.42 15.41
eeZ 10 1 2.7 2.69
Team Gold Force 26 2 9.94 9.96
Gazelle 16 2 15.64 15.62
jZ 12 2 12.88 12.87
Nanu 8 2 21.27 21.24
Eskimo 6 2 -54.62 -54.61
stereo 2 2 -28.81 -28.96
🇺🇸 2024-02-12T22:13:44.239Z | Quality: 0.3333
February 12, 2024, 5:13 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nate 32 1 14.95 15.05
jericho 24 1 10.94 10.92
G5 24 1 6.7 6.76
Nelg 24 1 18.05 18.05
Eskimo 10 1 -54.64 -54.62
roter 6 1 6.92 6.97
Team Gold Rudycantfail 30 2 22 22.18
delinquent 26 2 -9.71 -9.61
Nanu 26 2 21.28 21.27
koala 24 2 21.62 21.64
Mikemacx 10 2 -5.87 -6.07
Daya 6 2 -25.73 -26.63
🇺🇸 2024-02-12T06:48:47.709Z | Quality: 0.8769
February 12, 2024, 1:48 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Nanu 52 1 21.22 21.28
stereo 20 1 -29.42 -28.81
Nelg 20 1 18.04 18.05
Sanity 14 1 3.3 3.3
Xobsile 8 1 -36.21 -36.23
Eskimo 4 1 -54.69 -54.64
Team Gold Gazelle 42 2 15.55 15.64
Johnny 22 2 17.67 17.66
G5 14 2 6.64 6.7
eeZ 12 2 2.74 2.7
Daya 12 2 -25.87 -25.73
tatty 8 2 -13.79 -14.03
🇺🇸 2024-02-12T06:11:27.905Z | Quality: 0.6486
February 12, 2024, 1:11 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Johnny 36 1 17.57 17.67
Nanu 24 1 21.22 21.22
Nelg 20 1 18.02 18.04
stereo 14 1 -30.45 -29.42
tatty 14 1 -13.88 -13.79
Daya 10 1 -25.59 -25.87
Team Blue Gazelle 30 2 15.53 15.55
Sanity 26 2 3.27 3.3
Nate 20 2 15.02 14.95
Xobsile 10 2 -36.35 -36.21
eeZ 6 2 2.78 2.74
Eskimo 6 2 -54.69 -54.69
🇺🇸 2024-02-12T05:37:44.324Z | Quality: 0.4757
February 12, 2024, 12:37 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Gazelle 32 1 15.45 15.53
Nanu 26 1 21.21 21.22
eeZ 18 1 2.74 2.78
Daya 14 1 -25.99 -25.59
jZ 12 1 12.86 12.88
tatty 2 1 -13.71 -13.88
Team Blue Johnny 28 2 17.56 17.57
Nate 24 2 15.03 15.02
Sanity 14 2 3.28 3.27
stereo 14 2 -31.13 -30.45
Nelg 14 2 18.04 18.02
Eskimo 8 2 -54.82 -54.69
🇺🇸 2024-02-11T07:02:24.486Z | Quality: 0.3547
February 11, 2024, 2:02 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Johnny 30 1 17.49 17.56
pizza 24 1 15.42 15.42
Nanu 24 1 21.17 21.21
eeZ 18 1 2.73 2.74
stereo 10 1 -31.28 -31.13
Daya 2 1 -25.89 -25.99
Team Blue Rudycantfail 40 2 21.82 22
tatty 26 2 -13.83 -13.71
jZ 24 2 12.86 12.86
Wind 12 2 24.18 24.14
Nelg 10 2 18.06 18.04
Eskimo 2 2 -54.81 -54.82
🇺🇸 2024-02-11T06:16:36.962Z | Quality: 0.3381
February 11, 2024, 1:16 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Wind 38 1 24.14 24.18
Nelg 26 1 18.07 18.06
Daya 20 1 -26.52 -25.89
Monkey 14 1 3.2 3.2
stereo 12 1 -31.79 -31.28
jZ 12 1 12.85 12.86
Team Blue Nanu 32 2 21.14 21.17
Rudycantfail 30 2 21.69 21.82
tatty 20 2 -13.92 -13.83
Johnny 18 2 17.49 17.49
Eskimo 8 2 -54.88 -54.81
eeZ 6 2 2.82 2.73
🇺🇸 2024-02-11T05:35:34.105Z | Quality: 0.5716
February 11, 2024, 12:35 am
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Johnny 34 1 17.44 17.49
Rudycantfail 32 1 21.44 21.69
pizza 18 1 15.46 15.42
Daya 12 1 -26.41 -26.52
Monkey 12 1 3.14 3.2
Nanu 10 1 21.14 21.14
Team Blue Wind 24 2 24.15 24.14
jZ 22 2 12.86 12.85
thxmp 22 2 9.7 9.78
eeZ 16 2 2.79 2.82
Nelg 14 2 18.06 18.07
tatty 12 2 -13.72 -13.92
🇺🇸 2024-02-11T03:58:37.344Z | Quality: 0.5832
February 10, 2024, 10:58 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Gold Nelg 30 1 18.06 18.06
Rudycantfail 26 1 21.35 21.44
apple 20 1 21.9 21.71
pizza 20 1 15.44 15.46
Daya 16 1 -26.9 -26.41
Monkey 6 1 3.17 3.14
Team Blue Johnny 26 2 17.41 17.44
Nanu 24 2 21.17 21.14
Force 20 2 9.86 9.94
thxmp 20 2 9.66 9.7
Cookie 18 2 9.31 9.53
morbit 6 2 -51.16 -51.11
🇺🇸 2024-02-10T04:00:08.468Z | Quality: 0.6163
February 09, 2024, 11:00 pm
team player
entry rating
exit rating
Team Blue Wind 34 1 24.13 24.15
koala 28 1 21.62 21.62
thxmp 22 1 9.64 9.66
Magi 12 1 12.5 12.49
doov 12 1 6.58 6.47
Monkey 6 1 3.23 3.17
Daya 2 1 -26.8 -26.9
Team Gold Ampz 38 2 27.29 27.3
Nelg 30 2 18.05 18.06
pizza 18 2 15.43 15.44
Ninja Potato 16 2 16.85 16.81
tiberiuskirk 12 2 -21.5 -21.63
morbit 8 2 -51.05 -51.16
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